it was disconcerting going from downtown nyc to jordan, everyone was smiling at me and making eye contact, the girl (one of the ones with lip filler) sitting next to me on the plane chatting like nobody's business, the girl on the hotel desk staring at me as i walked past, it took me a few days to figure out that it meant nothing, that's just what people do there, whereas in nyc everyone has learned not to do that, it's a come on, it's rude, keep your eyes to yourself. it felt like such a gentle place compared to the rough and tumble of here.
i don't really have an objection to any of this chaning your face stuff, whatever, but it's not to my taste, i don't like how it looks, i'm not part of those circuits of meaning. when did it start though. is it the last five years or the last ten that all of this became possible? its a subtle change in how everything looks. like LEDs being everywhere. there's a shop on a corner in greenwich village that is glowing with LED lighting, i've never seen anything like it, it's a beacon. even on construction scaffolding here there's a new kind of lighting at play, it turns night into day