the white hip-hop canon


pass the sick bucket

what we're getting at a bit i think in this thread, apart from excellent turns of phrase like mcgangly battercrease, is what happens to rap when its divorced from its original african-american milieu. which is a thing that has a whole load of baggage basically coz of how race works in the US.

sure, but do check out Islamic Force, Killa Hakan, and Cartel.

TBF there's loads of white german language hip hop — which I can't understand so I don't know if it works on those linguistic terms. I can categorically say that turkish hip hop sounds uncool to my ears, but Egyptian electro chabi rap works (for me.)

But then again American raciology (pseudo-science obvs) has such a narrow boundary that there was once a point (around the 1970s) where Arabs were considered white. Obviously, by the 1990s they had to feverishly revoke if you will, their whiteness status. That islamophobia in't gonna cut it otherwise!
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Well-known member

i used to work with a guy who was seriously into all this stuff and burnt me many cd-rs of these artists. i didnt listen to it much as i was more into street rap and grime at the time but ive got more time for it now.


is not like other people
i think @thirdform will know this one. funkstorung got a lots of flack at the time, for sounding too much like autechre. but i find them more to my taste than autechre myself. it must be that strain of treachery
