
This is insane, even by Trump's standards.

What is this? A piss-take of DeSantis and his farcical twitter announcement by Trump's team?

Took me a while to figure out who George was, couldn't think of a relevant Republican... hardly surprising I didn't think of Soros.... saying DeSantis has links to Soros is fucking mad. It makes it sound like they're randomly sticking baddies on there... oh Hitler and The Devil, that's exactly what they are doing. I guess those are the only historical figures MAGA are aware of...

But putting Soros on there is so hilariously stupid... literally laughable.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
What is this? A piss-take of DeSantis and his farcical twitter announcement by Trump's team?

Took me a while to figure out who George was, couldn't think of a relevant Republican... hardly surprising I didn't think of Soros.... saying DeSantis has links to Soros is fucking mad. It makes it sound like they're randomly sticking baddies on there... oh Hitler and The Devil, that's exactly what they are doing. I guess those are the only historical figures MAGA are aware of...

But putting Soros on there is so hilariously stupid... literally laughable.
Not to mention that the idea that Soros controls America, or possibly the whole world, is a favourite far-right dog-whistle, since Soros is of course Jewish. And thus a natural ally of Hitler. Obviously.


Although apparently there is some reason - however stupid - why he put Soros, certainly if you look at the comments there are loads of MAGA saying "yeah DeSantis is owned by Soros".


Well-known member
Soros must be amazing at time management, I don't know how he has the bandwidth to rule some much of the world and so many individual politicians, to be the puppet master behind literally every progressive social and political movement globally.


Well-known member
Well it's one of Eco's characteristics of fascism. The good, true, natural people being oppressed by the untermenschen, that sort of thing.

Yeah, I know. I'm just not convinced it's unique to fascism. It's not unusual to claim your ideological opponents are both incredibly dangerous and pathetic, cowardly losers, whatever your political persuasion.


As president, I recognize that the woke mind virus represents a war on the truth so we will wage a war on the woke. We will fight the woke in education, we will fight the woke in corporations, we will fight the woke in the halls of congress.