Are you tracking your performance?


Well-known member
I think you lot, @sus as much as anyone, are underrating the qual / quant synthesis here.

The thing that you find with the quantification, if you're not a dolt, is _what it is_ that's holding you back. How much does three glasses of Grüner hit your next day milage? Is it better than if it was rum?

I had a vague sense that I should try lifting. Started doing it. After a month or two got a DEXA scan, full segmentation of body composition. They tell me that I'm at the first percentile for muscle mass for my height. When an elderly person's muscle mass got as low as mine was, they're diagnosed with an illness because it puts them at higher risk of dying. Six months later, up 10 lbs of muscle, plus 7 pounds of fat, I feel… much better all the time. I could know already I was feeling much better, but understanding where the muscle mass is, whether I'm improving as fast as possible, what exactly is changing and how, lets me calibrate my sense of the world.

Thinking it's about numbers is a mistake—you're not doing correlations or statistical testing. It's about being able to perceive things that would otherwise exist outside of human perception.


thread death
I log all my training - love the tyranny of the numbers maybe because my sport (cycling timetrialling) is so data bound - watts/kg, FTP, cadence, HR etc that it comes naturally. I use Zwift which exports all data to Strava and Training Peaks so i can slice and dice it to the nth degree. However, there is nothing quite so liberating as going for a ride in the woods with only the map on my bike computer.


bandz ahoy
Maybe I need a bike computer

I've lost my mania for tracking, ofc. I log runs on Strava but I barely pay attention to my Fitbit sleep data anymore (still paying for the app though lol)

The horrible thing is that as you get older the numbers will show you just how decrepit you're getting... I assume

Luckily I was totally lazy for most of my life (still am) so even the smallest athletic achievements count as my personal peaks