Young men are not doing well. They are dying more, making less friends, being more lonely.
Why is this?
What should we do about it?
The Left has done very little to help young men. Thus, men are becoming more conservative. There's been some demand for a positive left-wing role model for men. It's me. I want to be a feminist role model for men.
My solution has been to build communal bonds and spread emotional availability. I've tried to do that here, but in response I received a torrential downpour of contrarianism, insults, and people socially isolating me. All this on a forum filled with already isolated people. When will men start helping each other?
Why is this?
What should we do about it?
The Left has done very little to help young men. Thus, men are becoming more conservative. There's been some demand for a positive left-wing role model for men. It's me. I want to be a feminist role model for men.
My solution has been to build communal bonds and spread emotional availability. I've tried to do that here, but in response I received a torrential downpour of contrarianism, insults, and people socially isolating me. All this on a forum filled with already isolated people. When will men start helping each other?