
Well-known member
That spring, we lived on bowls of risotto, jugs of table wine,
and wilting olives (with stones smashed). Cats padded
over dust and stone, bloody little teeth bare, whiskers dripping.
You reclined on limestone slabs, peeled back your bathing suit
to reveal tan lines, upturned your bag in search of a bracelet,
and everything fell out; books, lotions, headscarf, varnish,
and the sun, dipping, drenched you. We could not leave the sea before
dusk or eat before midnight. In our tiny, bare room, air tinged with ash
from a forest fire, above encroaching street clamor. It belonged to us,
but not one of us. Not only one of us


[...] with constant momentum and direction, swam straight through
currents and riptides: continued. Events need not achieve magnitude
or shape or quality, or be quantified what so ever, so much so,
I could forget your face


Well-known member
there arent' any cos thats the truth. do you know wat world war 4 is? its the West against the muslims. Craner wrote an essay about it
you should read it but i can't find it.


Well-known member
yes I know the theory but what are the hard facts that Tea might bring to debunk the claim
That there's no way a missile could penetrate the powerful magical shield protecting a building with that kind of layout.



Well-known member
i admit i liked his sexy writing more but you should read world war 4 for a better sense of where hes coming from


Well-known member
One rebuttal would be that they wouldn't need to stage something like that to make a load of money disappear. There's millions going missing all the time and nobody can really do anything about it. Look how much the Tories have flung at various associates in the last year or so.


Well-known member
One rebuttal would be that they wouldn't need to stage something like that to make a load of money disappear. There's millions going missing all the time and nobody can really do anything about it. Look how much the Tories have flung at various associates in the last year or so.
thats what I think as well


Well-known member
4 months ago
As a pilot, I watched lots of videos by very experienced airline pilots and they all said that trying to fly at 550 knots at or very near sea level was exceeding the maximum stress level of the aircraft by 100+ knots. An inexperience pilot who only flew and failed flying Cessnas would never be able to hand fly a 757 so close to the ground and that the turn he made to hit the Pentagon (550 knot descending turn) would stress the structure to the point of breaking up. Again, not a conspiracy theorist but looking for transparency. I spoke with a well know airline pilot who analyzes air crashes and he didn’t want even a piece of this case. He did tell me that despite the official accounts of the entire plane melting, that the engines and gear struts would have certainly been visible after the crash. It’s 20 years and long wars, why is there no additional information available to our citizenry?