
Beast of Burden
The 2010s was the decade that people started to read poststructuralist theory as user manuals.


Well-known member
the world moves on very quickly but the ISIS thing dominated the middle of the decade and was apocalyptically grim. hard to be objective but that felt like the most unstable period of the decade for me, the way that the news would be a litany of acts of violence first in iraq and syria and second in places you'd been on holiday. one of those things where the rules of reality were being rewritten. thats one of the key feelings of the decade i think, things that felt beyond the bounds of possibility coming to pass


Well-known member
the world moves on very quickly but the ISIS thing dominated the middle of the decade and was apocalyptically grim. hard to be objective but that felt like the most unstable period of the decade for me, the way that the news would be a litany of acts of violence first in iraq and syria and second in places you'd been on holiday. one of those things where the rules of reality were being rewritten. thats one of the key feelings of the decade i think, things that felt beyond the bounds of possibility coming to pass

Liveleak and combat footage.


Well-known member
cities become a billion times easier to navigate. you could go anywhere and know how to get back. even on holiday you could go wherever you liked. if you got really stuck you could call a very cheap taxi. an important barrier to mobility was removed. one result is that the less courageous went travelling. the tourist horde was already a thing but it expanded to so many more places because it became so easy to do. it's particularly impossible to know for sure but my impression is that low budget hostel backpacking and couchsurfing etc died a death in the 2010s. it was a whole scene.


Beast of Burden
the world moves on very quickly but the ISIS thing dominated the middle of the decade and was apocalyptically grim. hard to be objective but that felt like the most unstable period of the decade for me, the way that the news would be a litany of acts of violence first in iraq and syria and second in places you'd been on holiday. one of those things where the rules of reality were being rewritten. thats one of the key feelings of the decade i think, things that felt beyond the bounds of possibility coming to pass

Syria was a key link between the noughties and the 20s, between Afghanistan and Ukraine.


Beast of Burden
cities become a billion times easier to navigate. you could go anywhere and know how to get back. even on holiday you could go wherever you liked. if you got really stuck you could call a very cheap taxi. an important barrier to mobility was removed.

Was this another 4G benefit?


Can turn naughty
I remember seeing muddy footage of a guy having his head sawn off on someone's phone at school.

I saw one of those. Was with a dagger out in some desert region with a bunch of guys circled around. The guy didn't make much fuss either which only made it all the more chilling


Well-known member
If we run with Rich's claim that the detective was the dominant character of the 20th century, I think the dominant character of the 21st is currently the con artist.

You can point to the obvious examples of Trump and Boris, but it's present at every level and in every area of society. The way we currently engage with information's resulted in blagging on a mass scale. Craner's had a go at me for it before, just skimming the Wiki page. It's so easy and, because everyone's doing it, very few people are gonna say anything, or perhaps even notice.

How many overnight experts on vaccines and viruses did we end up with? How many historians of Ukraine?
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Beast of Burden
If we run with Rich's claim that the detective was the dominant character of the 20th century, I think the dominant character of the 21st is currently the con artist.

You can point to the obvious examples of Trump and Boris, but it's present at every level and in every area of society. The way we currently engage with information's resulted in blagging on a mass scale. Craner's had a go at me for it before, just skimming the Wiki page. It's so easy and, because everyone's doing it, very few people are gonna say anything or perhaps even notice.

How many overnight experts on vaccines and viruses did we end up with? How many historians of Ukraine?

I used to find it annoying, but now I find it very funny. Millions of experts in concrete and structural engineering suddenly emerged out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago. It was absolutely fantastic.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
How many overnight experts on vaccines and viruses did we end up with? How many historians of Ukraine?
We've arrived at the era of the anti-expert. To a certain kind of person - naming no names, but Luka is a shining example - the more qualifications someone has, the less they can be trusted on anything, especially the thing they're qualified in.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I used to find it annoying, but now I find it very funny. Millions of experts in concrete and structural engineering suddenly emerged out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago. It was absolutely fantastic.
You wanted to say 'out of the woodwork' for a second there, didn't you?