
Beast of Burden
2008 was not only the peak year of the financial crash that changed global politics for good, it was also the year that Ian Dunt graduated from the London School of Journalism and entered the real world. Truly, the start of a new era.


Well-known member
I used to find it annoying, but now I find it very funny. Millions of experts in concrete and structural engineering suddenly emerged out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago. It was absolutely fantastic.

Piketty publishing a mammoth book on economics called Capital then admitting he'd never really read Marx was astonishing.


Well-known member
Did anyone mention tumblr yet?

I mentioned it alongside the fandom stuff. I wasn't on it, but some people are adamant it's been a major influence. That place and 4chan seem to have been incubators for the two poles of the current culture war.


Cat Malogen
ISIS mid-decade, beheadings weren’t new I mean who hasn’t seen cia spy in Iraq cut diagonally open by a sword neck down and across to spine or a friend pre Rick rollin sending links with masked urls for beheadings listed by ratings

the one mass killing ‘event’ carried out on this incredible Med beach looking place with multiple casualties camera on a crane-bedded truck zooming roaming aerial shots = jfc, imagine Goebbels seeing their production editing, he’d be enraptured

people had to lose their privacy to begin valuing it - consolidation of greater privacy intrusion and monitoring, all the moronic busts that ten years previously would’ve gone on without interruption subsequently get a prosecution from FB updates. Friends Reunited was the clincher, if you didn’t learn from that when every mong at school you ever met was going “remember when” and you couldnt even put a face to their name

weird times to mature into adulthood - liminal, shifting, transient, gestational


Well-known member
Versions said this before but what marks the 10's from the 20's is that liberals had not gone completely hysterical yet. In this way I thought of nominating jon stewart as the man of the decade. Smug smiling face secure in the big nothing that was the decade. Perpetual victory laps everynight as everything had already been decided and put to bed. I remember hearing all the time that the future of politics was just a waiting game for the old people to die off. I dont know if smarter people were predicting the 20's but it says something that that was the cliche that was trickling down to me, a highschooler


Well-known member
Actually what could the most important fahsion development of the 10's was men dressing like this b4b4c3f49052a741b51e178077af1d4a.jpg

And I know that this look is an an algamation of much older fashion choices, but theres something about the simplification of frat and prep aesthetics, 'dad vibes,' and its adoption as a style outside of universities that feels signifigant and unique to the 10's. Maybe this was uniqie to the south, but i remember it came like the wind. Suddenly a summer had passed and everyone now dressed this way. The boys in the neighborhood, the kids at school. Something changed.


Well-known member
Pretty sure all-over print hoodies and shirts peaked before 2008
You think? In my head its the pac sun aesthetic which is a 2010s phenomena i feel but could be wrong. Skater aesthetics made popular in the 00's and then made a kind of default boys fashion choice in the 10s


Well-known member
It was popularized in the mid 00s by Bape, Pharrell's companies, that Rogue Status one with all the guns on it that Rob Dyrdek rocked hard around ‘06, streetwear etc. I guess it didn’t totally go away so I take your point about a new default. Pretty dated looking now.