There was that thing a few years ago, wasn't there, where a woman went around deliberately walking into men in the street and then wrote about it and about how terrible sexism is and all that.i was doing an experiment for a while where i'd walk thru the square mile and not get out of anyones way, just to see if they got out of mine, and no cunt did, all too fixated on being the alpha. we'd just collide every time. it was weird.
loooli was doing an experiment for a while where i'd walk thru the square mile and not get out of anyones way, just to see if they got out of mine, and no cunt did, all too fixated on being the alpha. we'd just collide every time. it was weird.
you’d certainly strike fear into the heart of any jacked finance bro, sitting there slouched, legs and arms crossed, tote bag on shoulder, limpwristedly holding a cigarette, essentially the kid in that first image wekt posted except 57 years type one in this taxonomy needless to say
amenI read something last night about all these young finance guys in America trying to LARP the 80s back into life now Trump's in office again. A load of dudes blasting testosterone and saying "pussy" and "retard" in the office.
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