New Year Resolutions 2024


Well-known member
New year Resolutions, I never make them, but I am determined for the following year that I will delete any entertaining post that I make within an arbitrary time limit, let’s say 5 minutes

Might be less because so far @luka has caught me out with tales of my homemade videos, @shakahislop got hot under the collar because of his confusion that Animal Farm wasn’t only a novel, and @Clinamenic has attempted to rebrand a “version” as a “Kent”

So, yeah

I’d say “ fire away” but violence doesn’t solve problems, what promises won’t you keep in 2024?


Well-known member
I may have suffered concussion just now from an unfortunate slip, so please @sufi delete this thread

I have already destroyed a MacBook this week, these pathetic posts tonight have been made from a ten year old ipad


Well-known member
But I never make new year resolutions because what is the point?

If you’re going to make changes then you will

Time doesn’t matter


vershy versh

Well-known member
But I never make new year resolutions because what is the point?

If you’re going to make changes then you will

Time doesn’t matter


Yeah, this is my view. You come off like a killjoy if you say it as there's something satisfying about structuring things around a new year, but I think it's true. There's no good reason you can't start doing whatever it is immediately. The buffer of giving yourself a window to indulge for the last time's tempting, but ultimately part of what makes the resolution necessary in the first place.


Well-known member
Its oft rumored that the true adepts of the Deep Forum communicate not just via posts since deleted, but via posts never published in the first place. A telepathic hivemind cabal, the sinister doings of which threaten the youth and traditional values of Dissensus.

two years ago, if anyone had paid attention then you would have witnessed the tacit pact I and @version formed when he agreed to delete his reply to the post I then deleted about how Courtney Love's time travelling psycho dad sold me my first hit of acid but you didn't just read that because it never happened

brothers in deletion

the North will arise in an editorial revision, again


Binary & Tweed
two years ago, if anyone had paid attention then you would have witnessed the tacit pact I and @version formed when he agreed to delete his reply to the post I then deleted about how Courtney Love's time travelling psycho dad sold me my first hit of acid but you didn't just read that because it never happened

brothers in deletion

the North will arise in an editorial revision, again


Well-known member

actually true as well

I had a whole books worth of material regarding the Courtney Love/ MI6/ Hank Harrison / Grateful Dead / Bohemian Grove / Superman LSD conspiracy but a hard drive ( Mac books ain't worth shit ) crash destroyed my Illuminati study group thread

I was going to reveal how Pete Burns sold me a record by CRASS and how that released both of us from the thrall of the pedocracy




RIP Pete, they got you in the end