in je ogen waait de wind
chava posted an image of demiral doing one above. it's a hand gesture associated with the extreme right grey wolves.What's a wolf salute?
chava posted an image of demiral doing one above. it's a hand gesture associated with the extreme right grey wolves.What's a wolf salute?
How do you mean? Are you asking if Turkey is in Europe? I guess geographically it's considered that the line where Europe becomes Asia runs along the Urals through Istanbul so, same as Russia, it's partly in Europe and partly in Asia.... so why not?Equivalent to the austrian players doing the roman salute. Do Turkiye even belong in the Euros?
chava posted an image of demiral doing one above. it's a hand gesture associated with the extreme right grey wolves.
chava posted an image of demiral doing one above. it's a hand gesture associated with the extreme right grey wolves.
didn't know about that but hardly surprised, same thing nato did in greece right?even more ironic given that the germans and austrians as part of the atlantic alliance's operation Gladio backed them in the cold war to massacre the Kurdish and Turkish left. Hypocrisy would be a word too mild. Demiral should get an american flag tattooed on his arse and scrotum if he loves those thugs so much. what a buffoon. couldn't expect much else from a fenerli graduate though.
Still, thanks for the two goals!
didn't know about that but hardly surprised, same thing nato did in greece right?
this many crosses might as well play 3-5-2 or fuck off to Lourdes
holland reaching the semi finals feels like that time greece won the euro playing aweful unbearable to watch football
you made 100 people trying to watch football watch you write on dissensus?Watching France Portugal and the screen blew over and smashed. Now got 100 people watching a ten inch laptop screen. Luckily I'm at the front.