Do you have a Time-mind or are you a philosopher of the eye?

  • I am a Philosopher of the Eye

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Sex can be modeled as a merging but in modern western hetculture the man is obviously the aggressor who violates and refuses to be violated in turn, there is a directionality to violation
You don't know what violation means


This thread is junk philosophy: terms defined selectively, arbitrarily, language misused, complete absence of evidence to reality beyond whatever flight of fancy is animating the sentence being written.

vershy versh

Well-known member
Yeah, because it's bad fun. Make it good.

I don't think that's possible. You seem to derive limitless enjoyment from nitpicking and turning everything into tedious 'debate'. There's no way anyone can formulate anything in such a way that you won't relish pedantically picking apart. Your ideal form of Dissensus is an endless argument with Tea whilst the rest of us recede into the background and finally disappear.


I don't think that's possible. You seem to derive limitless enjoyment from nitpicking and turning everything into tedious 'debate'. There's no way anyone can formulate anything in such a way that you wouldn't relish pedantically picking it apart. Your ideal form of Dissensus is an endless argument with Tea whilst the rest of us recede into the background and finally disappear.
Do you realise how wet you sound? There's plenty that I like or fire or whatever so don't give me some paranoid delusion tyvm.


I mean this stuff doesn't even work on its own terms: how can the womb be all welcoming and stuff but experience a process for which it was designed as a violation by an alien entity, produced by another member of its own species?


that's literally what the forum exists for. glad you're finally catching on after 17 years, mr. pig.
This thread is the pathological version of that. I want to snuffle out some truffles not be bogged down in muck (although I do like muck sometimes).

vershy versh

Well-known member
Do you realise how wet you sound? There's plenty that I like or fire or whatever so don't give me some paranoid delusion tyvm.

Yeah, sure. You've spent about two years now trying to make the place as dull and irritating as possible, just winding people up and undercutting things for the sake of it. I don't see the appeal. You obviously liked something about the forum at one point to be a regular for so long, but nowadays you seem to log in just to start arguments and derail things.

Who cares if terms are loosely defined? Just run with it and see if it goes somewhere interesting. It doesn't have to be airtight from the start, nothing will ever get off the ground if that's the case.


Yeah, sure. You've spent about two years now trying to make the place as dull and irritating as possible, just winding people up and undercutting things for the sake of it. I don't see the appeal. You obviously liked something about the forum at one point to be a regular for so long, but nowadays you seem to log in just to start arguments and derail things.

Who cares if terms are loosely defined? Just run with it and see if it goes somewhere interesting. It doesn't have to be airtight from the start, nothing will ever get off the ground if that's the case.
The double bind thread is fine.



Running arguments about digging up someone's dead father in order to VIOLATE (proper use of the term) them are perfectly fine but legitimate quibbles about the proper use of language and being able to string an argument together are a derail.

The correct response would have been to justify the particular things that I criticised rather than saying 'why are you unhappy with everyhing being sloppy and wrong, cos sloppy and wrong is how we like it'.


How would you reframe this thread to make it more fun?
Reframing is not necessary and this sort of discursive philosophy can obviously be good, but I contend that it's better practice to double-check what one is writing for its truth content before letting it loose. One way to do this is to imagine what the obvious riposte would be and try to account for it.


same here, sometimes i get sick of weak threads like this and want more classics like "Flavours of leftist", "Mike Chadbone, Nubian Queen", "The 4/4 Continuum", "Pure talent", or "Singers impersonating singers"
I really thought there'd be more singers impersonating other singers.

vershy versh

Well-known member
There are processes of resistance and processes of invasion and processes of surrender. Temporary boundaries are erected and permeated and destroyed. It seems like this is just a question of whether you take a freeze-photo or keep the film rolling.

The problem I have with the Bergson-Lewis binary is I think you can believe things are in flux whilst also considering them things in their own right. I can believe a rock is made up of similar materials to everything else and is changing due to the elements acting upon it, things growing on it, parts of it being eroded, whilst also recognising a rock is on some level something different from myself.