There is a big insoluble problem when it comes to working out exactly what happened for any event of any reasonable magnitude. For instance, what exactly happened during the scumdemic in the UK? To get to the facts of the matter you would need experts in practically every field who would then output interpretations that would not be fully comprehensible to any living person as they would need expertise in every field to understand the interpretation.
As far as reality goes Kant said you can't know things in themselves because the perceptual apparatus which seemingly gives us access also distorts the data. McGilchrist brings another problem to the table: he claims that there are no such things as things in themselves, no "reality out there" (acronym ROT) and that, as apparently independent reality is in actual fact wholly dependent on consciousness. Perhaps reality is a multiverse in that each person co-creates an at least partly different universe. Where this leaves war reporting is anyone's guess.
As far as reality goes Kant said you can't know things in themselves because the perceptual apparatus which seemingly gives us access also distorts the data. McGilchrist brings another problem to the table: he claims that there are no such things as things in themselves, no "reality out there" (acronym ROT) and that, as apparently independent reality is in actual fact wholly dependent on consciousness. Perhaps reality is a multiverse in that each person co-creates an at least partly different universe. Where this leaves war reporting is anyone's guess.