And thence retire me to my Milan, where
Every third thought shall be my grave.
i rob and steal, cuz hungrys how i feelThe Dudes will sort you out with an uzi too, The Kid isn’t full Dude yet either, he’s like a prospect
i rob and steal, cuz hungrys how i feel
i have loyalty to all irishmen, im irish, i respect the irish.... we as a race and as a legion have been beaten and battered yet we still hold strong and keep immense integrity..... junkies spit nonsense simple as..... youve taken a smack in the face before, take it again, ur still alive.... ur still breathing....ur still typing.... sus already told me not to get into cars of people i dont know, so no"buzzin cuzzin" is going to goad me into any funny business that you want him to impede on me.... you cant touch me.... ur east coast ffriends will be under. my thumb within seconds of them being in my prescnece...... dont fucking tread..., dont fucking step to me murph the cat you rat snake......@0bleak cheeky wee fucker calling us junkies eh, no Irish loyalty either, might have to phone buzzin cuzzins along the east coast and give this nipper a very firm handshake
if anyone were to ever find themself peering in a NY apartment window, after a tip-off from Gus, and it turns into a self defence situation, well, what does said person do?
*they commit to the act!
(if you’re the Home Office or US legal authorities for the love of christ go and torture Mixed Biscuits, he’s clearly a Cold War sleeper saboteur, how the fuck are you not on this? plus satire etc etc many thanks sterling work)
work kid work yes i know look my mom calls me everyday asking about the job search and look man i dont know i dont have many answers i just go to the movies go to the library and go to the basketball court who knows what im supposed to do or say anymore....I’m so tired read this as from Obleak, no not heroin, work Kid work
as such, reaction removed
you might find removals a fluctuating pattern by time wasting jokers fwiw
i speak from the dome i say what i say and feel how i feel.... you make up situations stories in ur mind to create distorted imageries and facts of who people are and what theyll appreciate...... i listen to music everyb day and find appreciation every day when i open my eyes to conciousness and walk the streets of where i live.....i was thinkin about makin the kid a heartfelt musical present, but not sure he will appreciate it... eh, might do it anyway...
i have loyalty to all irishmen, im irish, i respect the irish.... we as a race and as a legion have been beaten and battered yet we still hold strong and keep immense integrity..... junkies spit nonsense simple as..... youve taken a smack in the face before, take it again, ur still alive.... ur still breathing....ur still typing.... sus already told me not to get into cars of people i dont know, so no"buzzin cuzzin" is going to goad me into any funny business that you want him to impede on me.... you cant touch me.... ur east coast ffriends will be under. my thumb within seconds of them being in my prescnece...... dont fucking tread..., dont fucking step to me murph the cat you rat snake......
yea enjoy a tip off from "suspended reason" of all people.... what do u do get off on sending people to go knock on heavens fucking door? that cant be a better high than heroin can it? who fucking knows with u jungle needle addicted faux literatis
i speak from the dome i say what i say and feel how i feel.... you make up situations stories in ur mind to create distorted imageries and facts of who people are and what theyll appreciate...... i listen to music everyb day and find appreciation every day when i open my eyes to conciousness and walk the streets of where i live.....
i gave a presentation on john cale, the most influential and important artist to come out of europe