How do you feel about that 5 years now? Does that person feel alien to you? Do you miss him? Do you have a horror of him?
I think I miss him a bit tbh.
2017 in particular, that summer after I quit, was really magical. It was like I could hear music again.
And it carried on well into 2018.
Also the pandemic was good, but the second half was when I cracked.
A few of my good friends told me I was a better person to hang about with when I wasn't drunk.
The wife also appreciated it.
I've not gone back as ridiculous as I was, but I have had a few wonky moments since going back on.
And I do love drinking, getting stoned, taking drugs, but it's just quite difficult to manage now.
The trouble I have is that it's all or nothing, I can't just have a couple of a Friday night and then go to bed. I like to have 7 and then do the same Saturday, same in midweek as well. Once other people get added into the equation, it's a lot.