GRIME- breaking news, gossip, slander, lies etc

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
I love the medium of radio but I should think that in the next few years you will see pervasive wireless internet in most city centers and be able to get low cost portable devices that play streams. Phones probably.

Sorry, bit OT. Just wonder if there is any point in pirate stations trying to 'go legal' now.
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UFO over easy

online mahjong
Check this 2002 debate about Slimzee and 8-Bar. Time-capsule business.

Well interesting debate about 8-bar/fwd/grime/dubstep.

fack those threads are mad...

distance on ukmusic in 2003 said:
Why dont we just admit that we dont know what the fuck this scene is called. Only time will tell anyway.


mos dan

fact music
those threads look fascinating, cheers!

on a related subject, does anyone know where i can get slimzee's 'bingo beats'? it's always been missing from my collection and nowhere seems to have it for sale..


Sweet Virginia
ghetto's movement isn't he? always beef between bbk and movement...ghetto and skepta clashed saturday night, think skepta came out on top really.

ghetto was winning tonight but he shouldn't have interrupted skepta, their just spitting b2b bars now, still hot tho.

spooky girlfriend

Wild Horses
i think it was just the sheer novelty of not hearing him spit the standard BBK bars for the trillionth time..he was good, hardly man of the match though:slanted: