
Well-known member
My friend who was a model had a job in Soho, saw a sign scrawled on a door saying Models This Way and thought "that's me" (he was kinda naive like that) so he just strolled straight in, was surprised by what he saw inside walked straight back out.

there is a video with an interview with Steve Cook from the Sex Pistols where he takes the film crew to a pies and eels shop and then he wanders out into the SOHO streets and he spots a "MODELS THIS WAY" sign and they have to pause filming while he spends 50 quid of his fee and 2 minutes later he emerges from the stairwell slightly flushed and they resume filming, a pretty sad sequence which left me feeling slightly depressed


bandz ahoy
I've been reading Lord of the Rings, the book that inspired the Rings of Power on Amazon Prime

Also reading a bit of king lear and the wild duck

vershy versh

Well-known member
Algren, Chicago: City on the Make.

It isn't particularly long, but this one's starting to grate. He's a good writer, but relentlessly American in that "listing things in a muscular voice" fashion. Every few pages he runs through some routine about "the hustlers, the soaks, the washed-up fighters willing to work you over for a dime... " or "the day Slugger Ed took down No Dough Charley on the steps of the Fifth Street pool hall." The kind of thing Burroughs and Ellroy do with tongue firmly in cheek, but in earnest.


@version Have you ever read Never Come Morning by Nelson Algren? That's probably his best one imo, though the first chapter is a bit jumbled and slightly difficult


Well-known member
One Time Back Around by Edmund Davie

I'm 3 chapters in. Bits of it have recalled Ballard and Conan-Doyle and Mieville and McCarthy. But it's def its own thing. Great stuff.

This is rolling nicely. It's reminding me a bit of Zoo City by Lauren Beukes... the long night is a bit like the undertow in zoo city...


is not like other people
I've read about half of Graham Robb Parisians. It's alright but no laughs. A bit like he's doing a Sinclair on Paris, there are chapters on the guy who built the catacombs and alchemists knowing about atomic explosions before the physicists did etc. Keeps me reading though so can't be that bad