[in progress]
A brightness and breeze might
unwind the dark - you can
decide this morning will
be a walk in the park.
If you see black squirrel
on the path, or the branch
with white bird - a 'now' you
exchange for history's
'word', bruise you can cover
with history's cruise - come
discover: you lose which
mystery you don't choose.
If the trail in the province
saturates with your offence
and covers the corners, don't
covet the splotches - rewind
the offer that smoked out your
conscience. If hare, if pigeon
would quicken or bidden,
lick the wick that lettered
the ovens, and cobble
the datebooks that frightened
the shaman -
a gerund you summoned.
Mad, mad gulf of the potential
actual! Extinguished in God
the fictive - the actively factional!
Recreate production: the work
that tucks into play, an errand
to lay. Set the first rites of day.
All-song enphrase, endurer of wonders! -
Fearsome volts and flows
from crags that thunder
once had been depths in
the heart of the sea -
lightning vaults, and knows
it acts on wonder
better: strain to appraise,
arrive with thee.
The wheels from their sides,
as the valves tighten,
now coarse to the rider,
bedrocked and seized -
sword spotted seas! And bent on the finest
imaginal points, expressed as degrees -
reflexes stretched on the void. Unattached
and free: the sell-sane preceding agrees.
The front lines flanked freeze -
by handle and hatch
assembled - a white
bird undeterred, but
fowl fell at one time.
Boil - mantle dispatched,
a bald scandal hatched
and rights confered, such
that pinions bowed,
and took to their cues:
choosy with words -
a plucked, hot, bird pot stirred.
Entire torn atom - firm feather confused,
one love-won bantam with adam at scale.
A lovelorn hand pale -
the selfsame eschewed
spat out in detail:
and eve posits now
our unhappy vale.
The tenement carpets
deposit in conscience;
the stole-away motor
just croaked in the gulch;
the rollaway notions
are frozen - in solvence
toad eddies still float -
and ticker, a pulse:
the pages fly the knight
if kinlist loves requite;
a broom removed fault
would surely result.
The closed lid incites the eyes to recite -
a blackbox, and clay-roll receipts in array.
To air is to stray as wrong is for flight,
blight-lines and earth-steps
and paddies survey -
a light ring of smoke,
the grave hosts convoke,
roadbumps are rolling the rain on their way.
Dammed to requital,
entire non-resolved. Engrossed
with non-contact, splitting
the static. Half-supposed
and unclosed stove-end
black habit invoke.
The chokes cloak their pose,
the roe waisted throes
or stair-sides and chess
the heartvalves express:
guest. The pages consider
a love-shape transposed.
A frontlock occurs
to knights lately spurred -
a servitor, a trapdoor,
black lipsticks, and snuff -
the freights by the roadlamps
are gridlocked, enclosed.
A scent here to bottle
who's looking for clues:
a "hold tight", a rattle,
a red-coil sounds delight.
A watched flock will sound right,
its patterns twice effect.
Footstep verses, the tiger-
year curses late heard,
the motorcar chanson the jaguars rebuffed,
to crow - for those who know
from a dead dog's repose,
a bird-carried hand from
heart interred at land:
the ribcage advanced,
its time-kissed parlance
is for you, at dimestore to
thumb by page out of control.