borderpolice said:
... but psychology has moved on a lot since
Who is suggesting otherwise? Of course it has developed since Freud [incidentally, I'm a Lacanian, not a Freudian, but the former is of course fundamentally indebted to Freud's theories, just as, say, feminist theory is], just as particle physics and astro physics have "moved on" since Einstein. Interestingly, you don't give
any indication in your posts as to how it has moved on ... instead making a lot of vague but ideologically-loaded announcements about "pretty overwhelming empirical material."
But to recap, given the level of amnesia and ideological displacement on display in this thread:
Borderpolice made a series of unwarranted, dismissive and opinionated announcements concerning Freud's work, viz
"Psychoanalysis ... a lot less efficient than chemical based therapies"
"... the almost complete lack of a social dimension in Freud's work"
" ... later attempts in this direction [the ur-horde killing the father], remain embarrassing even when granting that he was more producing literature than formulating scientific hypotheses"
"The Oedipus Complex ... is pathetic on many levels"
"Yes. Psychoanalysis is primarily therapeutic, and describes itself
thus. "
No effort was made by Boderpolice to argue or demonstrate or prove any of these ridiculously dismissive, anti-intellectual opinions [nor to back up in any way his bias for establishment psychiatry and bio-chemical pharmacology, presumably because he finds the ideologies underlying these industries as "self-evident."]. Instead, hilariously, in a parody of the scientific method, , he
demanded that I
prove otherwise [complete with relevant citations from Freud's work!!] in order, of course, to distract attention away from his "self-evident" dogma, away from the onus, by definition, being on him to back up his spurious, subjectivist opinions.
Then Borderpolice's contradictory nonsense about Deleuzian and Lacanian critiques
"I suggest to give the deleuzeian and lacanian critiques a miss, not because they lack some insight, but because they are hard to read if you are not familiar with their languages already, and don't really say anything that hasn't been said more clearly elsewhere."
"I was not saying that there are other critiques of D & L. I was
speaking about criticisms of psychoanalysis that are easier to read
than L & D for someone who may not be familiar with the latters
literary style."
"what i said was this: what are
valid critiques of PA by D & L is said elsewhere, in more easily
digestable form."
But what is even more glaring is Borderpolice's seeming inability to distinguish between psychoanalytic theory, attempts at corroborating such theories, and psychoanalytic practices/therapies, instead gratuitously conflating them. Theories are to be dismissed as "embarrassing" because applied practices are "inefficient" or have simply "failed" [to invoke another Einsteinian analogy: E=mc*2 should be dismissed as a theoretical embarrassment because of the subsequent environmental and human devastation caused by
scientific practice, by the development of the atom bomb].
"I have in fact a lot of sympathise with Freud and reading him non-scientifically."
AS you don't tell us the difference or distinguish between a scientific reading and a non-scientific reading, all of this [your whole
modus operandi] is inherently problematic:
psychoanalytic theory is a social theory, so on what basis, what
other social theory are you invoking here that
enables you to distinguish between a scientific and a non-scientific approach or reading? Have you developed some new theory that you're keeping to yourself? Or are you - more likely - confusing your unexamined, internalised ideological pronouncements with "a scientific approach"?
"What i was asking for is a structured theory of the social."
Try Lacan and post-Lacan. Then get back to us ...
And I won't even mention the sneering-soundbite "contributions" from this thread's Greek Chorus, Luka and Droid ...