
pass the sick bucket
pussyole is an oxford university numpty, of course he got the vaccine lol. Most timid and frightened people on this planet. Even the libdem wanker James Palumbo who used to own Ministry of sound said his muscles turned to jelly when a gun got pointed at him, as if that isn't just standard!

only way to entertain his public school noncecore trolling.



pass the sick bucket
If a little drug injected into your shoulder is enough to put you out you would not have been strong enough to live through 'ardcore. Aren't you guys supposed to believe in eugenics?

he didn't, he smoked weed with atticus and tarquin whilst listening to joe muggsycore ambient house and balearic flutes.


@mixed_biscuits back in fighting form, good to see you again. I had covid a few weeks ago but very mild symptoms, would you entertain the possibility that perhaps the vaccine protected me for being more adversely affected?

I accept that most vaccinations would reduce the chance of ill health from the target nasty but what I think is tellingly absent is evidence that the pros outweigh the cons for those of us (almost everyone) who has had a raft of these things, given that the chance of side effects may be greater than that of ever encountering the nasties for which the jabs are intended.


Absolutely no way in hell am I getting involved in one of your trademark """arguments""", in which literally impossible standards of proof are demanded for every claim, irrelevant objections constantly brought up and the goalposts constantly moved, until your opponent eventually says "Well fuck this for a game of soldiers", at which point you declare that you've "won."
Exactly, there's no such evidence even though it would be trivial to do, lots of people would be reassured and the jabbers would present it as a slamdunk against general scepticism.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Exactly, there's no such evidence even though it would be trivial to do, lots of people would be reassured and the jabbers would present it as a slamdunk against general scepticism.
Hahahaha, OK. Every doctor, every epidemiologist, every virologist, every government health official, every member of the WHO, you name it - wrong.

You and some right-wing contrarians on Substack - right.

This is definitely a plausible scenario.


Hahahaha, OK. Every doctor, every epidemiologist, every virologist, every government health official, every member of the WHO, you name it - wrong.

You and some right-wing contrarians on Substack - right.

This is definitely a plausible scenario.
All you have to do is show us the study for vaccine load vs general health not whether it reduces the chance of illness from the target pathogen, capisce?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Reams and reams and reams of evidence has been posted in this thread, and the previous thread, and in every case you've done exactly what I've described above. So what's the point in even engaging?


Reams and reams and reams of evidence has been posted in this thread, and the previous thread, and in every case you've done exactly what I've described above. So what's the point in even engaging?
I don't think you understand the distinction.


Distinction between what? Stupidity and dishonesty, maybe?
When they talk about vax being good they refer to vax efficacy against the target, not vax load vs general health.

For instance, I might intend to visit Sierra Leone and get n vax for whatever but then change my mind about travelling. I'm effectively protected against some nasties but b/c there is a risk of side effects that I wouldn't have otherwise, it would often come out as a net negative if I plotted number of vax vs overall health.


cat malogen
@sufi please for the love of Allah (Mohammed is is His prophet), inshallah lock this Covid thread and if you could put a switch in the code where Covid or covid auto generates to “Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo”, it might whittle down the fuckwittery


Well-known member
I accept that most vaccinations would reduce the chance of ill health from the target nasty but what I think is tellingly absent is evidence that the pros outweigh the cons for those of us (almost everyone) who has had a raft of these things, given that the chance of side effects may be greater than that of ever encountering the nasties for which the jabs are intended.

Ok, but you rationale is completely speculative: "...given the CHANCE of side effects MAY be greater..."

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Ok, but you rationale is completely speculative: "...given the CHANCE of side effects MAY be greater..."
That's just it. He'll find, or rather invent, some fault in a hundred rigorous, large-scale studies showing results he doesn't want to hear, but the slightest shade of doubt in the other direction becomes a cast-iron certainty.


Ok, but you rationale is completely speculative: "...given the CHANCE of side effects MAY be greater..."
It's not speculative as if you never get exposed to the target pathogen then it seems there's only downside; it's as if you paid for an insurance policy that it turns out you didn't need.

btw there are other considerations than side effects eg. vax can make you _more likely_ to get infected with other things because they prime the body in a certain direction...

Surely there's a study out there on children given different numbers of vaccines and visits to the doctor _for anything_ or something.


Joanna Newsom's family

> William A. Newsom II, Gavin's grandfather, was a surrogate father to Getty sons John Paul Jr. and Gordon. William "Bill" Newsom III, Gavin's father, was even the bearer of the ransom money when John Paul III was kidnapped. Newsoms, Harrises, Pelosis and Gettys are godparents to one another's children and make appearances at important family events

That's Harrises as in Kamala

> Gavin Newsom will be the first Democrat in more than a century to succeed another Democrat as governor and the succession also marks a big generational transition in California politics. A long-dominant geriatric quartet from the San Francisco Bay Area – Gov. Jerry Brown, Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – has been slowly ceding power to younger political strivers. Moreover, Newsom is succeeding someone who could be considered his quasi-uncle, since his inauguration continues the decades-long saga of four San Francisco families intertwined by blood, by marriage, by money, by culture and, of course, by politics – the Browns, the Newsoms, the Pelosis and the Gettys.