
There is a podcast series on BBC iPlayer called The Immortals. There are ten episodes but the first one has this guy Brian Johnson who is talking about how he regularly extracts blood plasma from his son (whom he also refers to as his blood boy) and injects it in himself, he also extracts plasma from himself and injects that in his father.

The first episode promises that the next episode will explain the science behind why they do this. The reason turns out to be that some Russian scientists connected an old mouse and a young mouse together in an attempt to approximate swapping their nervous systems... and the older one showed some benefits. So the best way to approximate that in humans is to inject young healthy plasma.


It would be funny if all the (hi)stories of vampires, Countess Bathory, films such as Dumplings etc turned out to be right... and just maybe they will in the long-term - could it be that the reason the idea of stealing someone's life-force or youth is so prevalent across cultures is cos there is a grain of truth in there somewhere... or is it just an obvious but incorrect answer that anyone who starts thinking about this will quickly arrive at?

One thing that does rather amuse me is to think of the ultra-rich who should be spending their time and money having all kinds of unimaginable fun that is completely out of reach of normal people... but instead they are wasting their time and money following insane diets and exercise regimens, using bizarre algorithms they've created which tell them exactly how to live so as to maximize their life spans. In short they are so busy trying to live forever that they don't live at all.

It's a kind of punishment that reduces people I would expect to be jealous of, to people I can feel sorry for.


It seems that a lot of these people (not all admittedly) are striving for immortality for them... not for the human race or for people who are going to cure cancer or solve the energy crisis, just for them. Cos they believe that being a billionaire means that they are special, and also, cos they got lucky and Facebook bought their app making them super rich, they think they are a new kind of super genius who will quickly figure out the secret to eternal youth the second they turn their attention to it despite the fact that humanity has been trying to find something like that for thousands of years with no appreciable success.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I think Pieter Thiel has had to deny being a vampire far more often than anyone who isn't actually a vampire ought to.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Calling it now: there will soon be a 'Hunter Biden penis truther' movement, since the US Right's obsession with masculinity and virility means they will feel compelled to claim that those leaked nude photos of him showing an apparently fairly impressive dick must have been Photoshopped to make it look bigger than it is.


Have you seen this Birth Certificate/Straw Man thing that's going around? I dunno how new this is but I'd never seen it before and then suddenly it popped up a few times so I thought it worth a mention. It's a bit like that Sovereign Citizen thingy that has been such a successful defence in US courts.

The gist of it is that the birth certificate is not as you may have naively believed a record of your name, DOB, parents (more on them in a sec) and other such details. In fact it represents a contract made between the state and the named person and I think (I'm a bit vague on this bit) that it also forms a corporation in the name of the person, this corporation is known as a straw man.

Why is this interesting? Well, because it's this contract that makes a person (in the form of their straw man) obliged to obey a country's laws, a child is born free but their parents unwittingly sign away their rights when they create their birth certificate.

However, there is hope, it's clear that a newborn baby cannot understand the terms of any contract and for a contract to be valid it must be fully understood and willingly entered into, the birth certificate contract is thus a fraud on the citizenry by the government.

There is a way to break the contract but I'm not totally sure how, but I am certain that everyone who does that by the correct process is then no longer subject to national law and has been totally successful declaring that.

A couple of extra notes, this scam was apparently dreamed up by Thomas Cromwell, before then I guess the law was really optional, and for people in other countries until their leadership cottoned on to this UK wheeze - thank you UK once again.

Oh, and parents, or - as the guy in the video I saw said - "pair-rents". I guess the name has its origins in two people renting a child from (or to?) the government. That's why the word just never existed before about 1500.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Have you seen this Birth Certificate/Straw Man thing that's going around? I dunno how new this is but I'd never seen it before and then suddenly it popped up a few times so I thought it worth a mention. It's a bit like that Proper Citizen thingy that has been such a successful defence in US courts.

The gist of it is that the birth certificate is not as you may have naively believed a record of your name, DOB, parents (more on them in a sec) and other such details. In fact it represents a contract made between the state and the named person and I think (I'm a bit vague on this bit) that it also forms a corporation in the name of the person, this corporation is known as a straw man.

Why is this interesting? Well, because it's this contract that makes a person (in the form of their straw man) obliged to obey a country's laws, a child is born free but their parents unwittingly sign away their rights when they create their birth certificate.

However, there is hope, it's clear that a newborn baby cannot understand the terms of any contract and for a contract to be valid it must be fully understood and willingly entered into, the birth certificate contract is thus a fraud on the citizenry by the government.

There is a way to break the contract but I'm not totally sure how, but I am certain that everyone who does that by the correct process is then no longer subject to national law and has been totally successful declaring that.

A couple of extra notes, this scam was apparently dreamed up by Thomas Cromwell, before then I guess the law was really optional, and for people in other countries until their leadership cottoned on to this UK wheeze - thank you UK once again.

Oh, and parents, or - as the guy in the video I saw said - "pair-rents". I guess the name has its origins in two people renting a child from (or to?) the government. That's why the word just never existed before about 1500.
This, to me, is the least explicable of all classes of conspiracy theory. I mean, I can't - from where I'm sitting - disprove that Mossad is monitoring this very conversation right now, or that Barack Obama is an alien. They just seem extraordinarily unlikely, but to some people, that makes them realistic possibilities. And if you're very stupid or very crazy, you can convince yourself the earth is flat and all evidence to the contrary has been faked by a massive conspiracy.

But the number of times this kind of argument has worked in any court in any country is, as far as I know, exactly zero. Does everyone who uses it think they're going to be the first one?


They don't believe the news I guess. They think loads of people are using it successfully.

I read some bonkers twitter post that touched on it - among other things such as Trump being Commander in Chief in perpetuity cos he activated clause 391 or whatever. All these replies nodding along going, yeah I already knew all about this, and sadly shaking their heads that so many people don't even know who their own actual CIC is... mental really. I wonder if these people are so gullible in real life, they would be an absolute sitting target for any unscrupulous person who said they could release the kraken or arrest Biden if they just had that final 10k.

I read some more on the Straw Man idea anyway and it is very much part of the Sovereign Citizen thing, dreamed up by the same people at the same time I think.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Maybe some of these people are so deluded that once they've been jailed for massive tax fraud or running a meth lab because they think if you say "Abracadabra" your house and back yard become a micro-nation where you can make up you own laws, they convince themselves that the jailed person is not them but their 'legal name', living in some parallel dimension, while they're gamboling in a field with an ice cream, rather than sitting there in an orange jumpsuit, picking cockroaches out of their morning porridge.


Although... found this twitter post which proves you wrong.

This Man exercised common law in order to dismiss his case in court, as the free living Man, refusing to identify as the false strawman on his birth certificate. This knowledge applies to us all, we are not corporations or products of any govern-ment.

With no injured party in question, there is no real crime committed. We must learn the difference between what is ILLEGAL and what is UNLAWFUL. The living man abides by the LAW of Nature. The Land, Air, Water. Meaning no man can stand above i and i.

Knowledge is power.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Naomi Klein's taken to calling it "conspiracy culture" because "theory" implies some sort of coherence.
I really want to read her new book, which is all about this, and the place occupied in it by her 'doppelgänger' (the book's title), Naomi Woolf, for whom she is apparently quite often mistaken.


I read an article she write which was all about how often and how severely the two of them are mixed up, getting horrendous insults for things the other one actually said - in fact I'm suddenly getting a nasty, niggling feeling I may have posted those dog faeces to the wrong person on the first of each month during 2022 - but it probably kinda evens out in the end.


Naomi Klein's taken to calling it "conspiracy culture" because "theory" implies some sort of coherence.
Naomi Klein is involved in one massive self-regarding disambiguation exercise to distance herself from Naomi Wolf.

Meanwhile the Covid inquiry has suggested that government Covid policy was spearheaded by Boris' girlfriend, a scenario so outlandish that no-one suggested it at any point. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Kevin Kline.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Naomi Klein is involved in one massive self-regarding disambiguation exercise to distance herself from Naomi Wolf.
Naomi Wolf is a barking (or howling) mad hippy-turned-fascist, so this is understandable on Klein's part.

She can be unintentionally pretty funny, though.

Even funnier when you realise she wasn't even right about Belfast having no 5G masts at that time:
