
There is absolutely nothing inherent in being Jewish that means you can't be a fascist. The current Israeli government is packed with them.
ur so brayve...now what does she have in common with them other than being Jewish tho? What has she done to be deemed fascist by you?


Well-known member
Naomi Klein is involved in one massive self-regarding disambiguation exercise to distance herself from Naomi Wolf.

Meanwhile the Covid inquiry has suggested that government Covid policy was spearheaded by Boris' girlfriend, a scenario so outlandish that no-one suggested it at any point. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Kevin Kline.

She has criticisms of the handling of COVID too.


She has criticisms of the handling of COVID too.
Well, good, everyone should have them, even if they aren't the same criticisms; it's part of being sentient.

What I'm getting at is that a wholesale compartmentalisation of 'conspiracy theorising' is utterly untenable given the general map-is-not-the-territoryness of life and its representations.


Well-known member
I think, to her, "conspiracy theorising" is predominantly the territory of the right wing crank. You can point to kernels of truth within some of their theories, but, if there's any truth to them, there's likely a left wing explanation that focuses on systems and institutions rather than Satanic cabals or "The Jews".

In a recent interview she stressed the importance of rigorous systems analysis to offer an alternative to the people in danger of falling down those rabbit holes. A similar argument to the one made by The Invisible Committee in Conspiracist Manifesto about not ceding the territory to the right:

Freud called delusions an attempt at a cure; they initiate the process of making sense of experiences that cannot be processed otherwise. Nobody chooses to be delusional—something to keep in mind when interacting with proletarians who might resort to conspiracy theories to explain their motives for opposing the ruling class. That’s not to say that delusions can’t be wrong or incredibly harmful; the point is to develop a new analytic method of listening and working with these beliefs rather than positioning oneself a priori against them. Perhaps one shortcoming of the Conspiracist Manifesto is that it neglects to formulate such an analytic method—something that would work to counter the obvious fact of identification and belief and lend conspiratorial thinking an ever more exact articulation, preventing a total break with reality.

... although I've made my misgivings about their particular strategy known in another thread as their intention seems to be to use those beliefs rather than dismantle them.


I think, to her, "conspiracy theorising" is predominantly the territory of the right wing crank. You can point to kernels of truth within some of their theories, but, if there's any truth to them, there's likely a left wing explanation that focuses on systems and institutions rather than Satanic cabals or "The Jews".

In a recent interview she stressed the importance of rigorous systems analysis to offer an alternative to the people in danger of falling down those rabbit holes.
Yes, this is the problem: arbitrary compartmentalisation.

As for the left/right distinction, left wing partisan gabble is mainly conspiracy theorising with the occluded agents, fingers pointed at particular persons or at quasi-mysterious ethers, being variously 'capitalism', 'racism', 'toxic masculinity', 'Jews' (hello, Israel discourse!!), 'Christianity' etc. etc. so claiming that the LW is somehow unaffected by a demonstrably universal (and in part rational) tendency is an anagram of omicron


There are actually philosophical papers on conspiracy theorising but the set of people who mouth off about the phenomenon and the set who have actually thought properly about it are disjoint.


Well-known member
She doesn't claim the left are unaffected. She points to a long history of people on the left resorting to "the Socialism of Fools,".


Well-known member
I'm not arguing she's doing rigorous analysis herself. She's obviously trying, but what I'm saying is her point about conspiracy theory currently being dominated by the right and the left needing to combat that by offering a rigorous alternative strikes me as true.