grimly fiendish

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the awesome power and beauty of wind turbines



New member
I noticed a cat in my neighborhood was pregnant,
this after noticing that part of her tail was missing not a week prior.
I noticed my four year old was far more willing to be friendly to her when I told him about her babies in that pouch of hers. (usually he likes to scare cats off)


Well-known member
a worm drowning in a puddle

a boy with his hood up walking through victoria park. at irregualr intervals he lights fireworks, barely breaking stride, not even turning round to watch them fizz and explode. it is broad daylight.


Two guys carrying a sofa down the street on their heads at 11PM.


gabba survivor
as I was changing a tire in the pissing rain by the side of the road in darkest newcastle I watched a couple driving past me in a capri-escort-ghia with KYLIE and JASON written across the top of their windscreen.

also - I had to door step a couple of people to ask for stanley knives so I could get the hub caps off the hire car (again, in the the sheeting rain). many thanks to the guy in the the shop who'd seen 'the hitcher' but gave me the benefit of the doubt.


Well-known member
Ah Luka, i've always loved your beautifully poetic examinations of the streets of London. The graffiti, the birds, the strange gestures and behaviour of unexpressive residents. Always brings a smile to my face. You are truly a great poet.

I also very much enjoyed the many happy hours of listening to your pirate tapes that you sent my brother Keith. I (we) truly appreciated them to great length. Along with a liberal sprinkling of Can and Lamonte Young, they were our soundtrack to 2003.

Yesterday i noticed a strange looking old lady tearing the bark off a paper tree and stuffing it into a plastic bag, with a odd expression on her face to match.


New member
A carrot, painted silver and tied to a tree.

It's still there, but sadly I don't have a digital camera on me.


A red bandana tied around the neck of a white stone statue.


Well-known member
<img alt="murder.jpg" src="" width="640" height="480" border="0" />

Might seem rather blase to place this within the context of "things you have noticed" but murders round my part are distressingly common.

Actually the killer of this young guy was guilty of being blase too. They attacked him in our local supermarket with a piece of wood which (the murderer claims he was unaware of) had a nail in it. It's just the same seeming unawareness of their own strength/insensibility to the fragility of human life, which caused a young guy to be killed in fist fight in our street 8 years ago.


gabba survivor
there's much badness about. i heard my neighbour being assaulted and stabbed, I shouted and called the police. he staggered out into the street: naked, bleeding, screaming. his assailants saw me. it's a very bad scene. it happened about a month ago. things haven't been the same since.


Just saw the Aurora Borealis for maybe the third time in my life. Greens, blues and pinks dashing around the sky, sometimes creating vast conical shapes. Too noisy in town to be able to hear them though.


Something I noticed while watching that old black and white clip of the Righteous Brothers doing 'You've Lost that Loving Feeling' - they look like a parallel universe Thunderbird puppet mock-up of Will Self and Martin Amis