Environmental Collapse: when and how bad?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Well if that's the case, maybe it's Packham's idiosyncratic Packhamness that makes him uncool rather than anything else; what do you think?
I think you've been caught taking the piss out of a guy with a neurodevelopmental condition for coming across like a weirdo and are now desperately backpedalling in order to maintain your ludicrous "hackshally it's those horrid progressives who are the real bigots" shtick.


I think you've been caught taking the piss out of a guy with a neurodevelopmental condition for coming across like a weirdo and are now desperately backpedalling in order to maintain your ludicrous "hackshally it's those horrid progressives who are the real bigots" shtick.
I'm not taking the piss out of him; I'm just saying he's uncool. It's you who brought the Asperger's thing and proposed that that was the reason he was uncool! You've also agreed that he's uncool because the only cool person you could think of was Woops.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I'm not taking the piss out of him; I'm just saying he's uncool. It's you who brought the Asperger's thing and proposed that that was the reason he was uncool! You've also agreed that he's uncool because the only cool person you could think of was Woops.
He's not the only cool person I can think of - he's just so cool that even other (fairly) cool people are uncool by comparison.


Binary & Tweed
Yeah in our massive DM group, which includes pretty much everyone but you two, we're always talking about how, really, you two are deeply aligned on most issues, and that much of this ostentatious conflict can be seen as an indicator of some kind of resisted chemistry.

william kent

Well-known member

Tapping ‘unconventional’ deposits requires advanced technology. Before an offshore oil or gas well can be sunk, the area needs to be mapped, and the most accurate way to do that is via a process called ‘seismic exploration’. This involves a ship slowly traversing the ‘acquisition area’ – industry jargon for the place being mapped – trailing pneumatic guns and microphones behind it, sometimes on 10km-long lines. The air-guns fire regular sound blasts into the water; the microphones record the echo bouncing back from the seafloor. To penetrate the sub-seafloor, where oil and gas may be found, the blasts have to be extremely loud. At an unimaginable 240 decibels, they are among the loudest sounds humans can produce. For comparison: these are louder than the sound produced by the explosion of an atomic bomb. To map the acquisition area, hundreds of thousands of such blasts are required. The guns fire every ten seconds, 24 hours a day, for months on end. At this rate the number of blasts adds up quickly. By the time of Sunak’s announcement, SAExploration’s vessel in the North Sea would have fired off almost one million blasts over the first 108 days of its mission.


The blasts are no doubt keenly heard by cetaceans – dolphins and whales – who experience sound in distinctive and complex ways (they are able to ‘see’ and feel with sound). Humans can hear frequencies between 20 and 20,000 hertz (Hz); Bottlenose dolphins can hear up to 160,000 Hz. They use their ultra-precise hearing to locate food, to navigate and to communicate. Hundreds of thousands of nuclear bomb-volume blasts ripping through their habitat is likely to affect their senses in ways we cannot understand. It is an act of phenomenal violence. What of the other inhabitants of the overfished, acidifying ocean? What happens when microorganisms are hit with a 240-decibel sound wave? The short answer is nobody knows; it hasn’t been adequately studied.


I know someone who does that for a job, gets shipped out to exotic locations and sits in the sun on the back of the barge for days and weeks, a scientist, but with no concept of the implications of what they are doing, either in the short term by trawling or in the long term by opening up wilderness places to exploitation, nice gig

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I know someone who does that for a job, gets shipped out to exotic locations and sits in the sun on the back of the barge for days and weeks, a scientist, but with no concept of the implications of what they are doing, either in the short term by trawling or in the long term by opening up wilderness places to exploitation, nice gig
Typical bloody scientists, eh? Always ruining literally everything.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Life was tons better in the good old days, when you could ward off dropsy, ague and the Flemish pox by inhaling the fumes from a smouldering heretic.