Reynolds' Pazz & Jopp essay



I have known a number of people with schizophrenia- according to them its not really redolent of LSD or mescaline, rather it resembles the extreme edges of the paranoid stages of cocaine/amphetamine use, which would accord with my experiences of the latter... (ie- psychosis no?) this would also accord with recollections of my mother's thesis on gender and schizophrenia, (deconstructionist analysis of conversations between patients and case workers/psychiatrists requiring endless re-winding of audiotape to capture the words and inflections of those speaking... some pretty disturbing stuff there, and again highly reminiscent of a few psychosis experiences in the past...) although of course Schizophrenia is a diagnostic dumping ground for all the mental disorders which refuse to fit elsewhere...

Psychedelic drugs to my mind merely imply a nightmarish level of hyper-awareness of social dynamics and tortuous transcendental horror-shows of mass murder and coruscating self-assassination.

being schizophrenic isn't all that much like tripping on acid or any of the organic triptamines in a literal sense--in terms of the look and feel of the hallucinations-- but if you look at the dopamine channels it works on at a really microscopic scientific level, there are similarities there. hallucinogens have been pretty often suspected of precipitating schizophrenia in patients who were latent cases, as well.

schizophrenia does not always coincide with psychosis. not at all. people on the "bipolar" rather than the "depressive" end of schizo-affective disorder will have psychotic breaks after prolonged and untreated bouts of mania, but in general, schizophrenia is a lot like being in a dream state that turns nightmarish--general confusion between thoughts and reality, lots of withdrawing from what's going on because your perception of it gets screwy. coke and amphetamines will often cause paranoia and psychosis, but it's somewhat different than schizophrenic paranoai or psychosis, especially because coke and amphetamines produce a feeling of extreme lucidity for a long time first.

i personally love hallucinogens, and luckily they don't have much of an effect on me long-term. of course, people with depressive schizo-affective disorder tend to self-medicate with anything, but especially cocaine/stimulants/amphetamines. synthetic hallucinogens fit in nicely with amphetamines psychopharmacologically, there's often a very speedy element to them, a lucidity of its own. i've lost most of my taste for speed, unless i need to write 50 pages in two days or something. it's just too harsh and is followed by too much sluggishness and need for recharging--everytime i do it i get a cold or bacterial infection of some kind from wearing myself down. still love coke every once in a while. opiates are just the devil and should be avoided at all costs. they're not good for anyone but the terminally ill or chronic intense pain sufferers.


re acid and enlightenment. i've had amazing trips, i've had boring ones, i've had middling ones, i've had amazing ones. (only had one truly awful one, and that was because i dropped 5 hits off a sheet that tasted like they'd forgotten to rinse the paint off, and had a double kidney infection i was still treating.)

it's not usually until a few weeks after, the afterglow, that the real significance of a trip sets in, for me. i'll end up looking back a month later and seeing subtle shifts in my behavior, a general return to reflectivity and often times realize i'd dealt with emotions i'd been hiding from, etc, without having to try hard.

had an amazingly restorative trip on new year's, and the positive effects on my mood are still lingering. got me excited about a lot of things again, where i'd been down and anhedonic for a while. saw a really good old friend who'd drifted away, and got back in touch with a lot positive feelings we used to have, the old bond we used to have where we'd support each others' creative endeavors.

can't stand the old hippie quick fix ideas, but i do think there are things about myself i'd never have brought to the surface without acid.


entered apprentice
I think the people who I know are mainly highly paranoid schizophrenics... one of them almost risibly so if it wasn't so fucking tragic... I suspect I am no longer of the correct mindset to enjoy anything other than literally mind-numbing substances, anything else just results in real horrorshow stuff occurring, like a scab that urges itself to be picked I cannot resist diving deliberately into the worst possible states under such conditions... almost as if I want to be tortured...
Anyhow: explain to me the whole metaphor/non metaphor thing in D+G as regards schizophrenia... a lot of the issues I have when encountering their ideas come at the level of determining quite how literally to take their allusions. So?


I think D&G are very literal when they talk about psychological disorders, as literal as Freud was. They're very consciously trying to respond within the psychoanalytical tradition from a clinical perspective that's also an amazingly highflown philosophical one.

I have to go I'm being yelled at for liking dissensus better than real life. I'll sneak more up later, hehe.


I think the people who I know are mainly highly paranoid schizophrenics... one of them almost risibly so if it wasn't so fucking tragic... I suspect I am no longer of the correct mindset to enjoy anything other than literally mind-numbing substances, anything else just results in real horrorshow stuff occurring, like a scab that urges itself to be picked I cannot resist diving deliberately into the worst possible states under such conditions... almost as if I want to be tortured...
Anyhow: explain to me the whole metaphor/non metaphor thing in D+G as regards schizophrenia... a lot of the issues I have when encountering their ideas come at the level of determining quite how literally to take their allusions. So?

last thing, quickly: Gek, if that's your reaction, definitely don't trip. hallucinogens are very environment/context-sensitive, it's best not to do them unless you're sure it's going to be a smooth experience. never drop if you've had a terrible day, or are with people you dislike...even sane healthy people can have horrible reactions in the wrong circumstances, and once you go off into Negativland you can't come back unless you go get a shot of thorazine or whatever that's called


there are no accidents
here it is:

at the same time as the information age gives us unprecidented quantities, perhaps other layers and levels are being erased, lost, forgotten. 1. there is a compression of experience, and 2. there is an alienation, which translates to a loss of experiential information.

Indian classical ragas last for typically 3-6 hours. an "afternoon raga" would last from noon to sun-set: music created and experienced in real time. in the 1920s, when the longest recording capacity was 15 minutes, musicians would cut their compositions down to this duration.

which free jazz musician said that all recorded music is "canned music"?

again, taking indian classical as example: traditionally, a dancer works with only one single tabla player, for decades, before a psychic connection is established, before their art reaches heights of refinement where a myriad of nuances can unfold. and neither of them will ever work with a different dancer/tabla player. this is but one example of the kind of experiential information which is lost.

as I sit alone in my studio downloading thousands of albums from all cultures of the world, I can not help but think about the intimate connection that the makers of this music must feel toward his/her art, how it is a lifetime of devotion, how meaning is acrued over time, and how, by comparison, I am hopelessly aliented, cut off, and unable to eat and digest the real fruit from these trees.

the information age gives at the same time as it takes away. this is my thesis. I had a conversation with some friends the other day who absolutely disagree. what do y'all think?


Reynolds said 2006 was a shit year for music, and if I remember correctly wasn't this his verdict on 2004-2005 as well?
LSD is like pornography - this sort of forced unveiling. Life is a play and surfaces and depths and it's often good to respect that.


nothing needs to be added to that, but it fits in with gek's experience. his reaction reminds me of some people i know who've had bad trips because they try to force the experience to be about "depth", try to manufacture meaning in an analytical way, try to make time conform to everyday structures like "moments" or make thought about grammar and language. what i love about trips is that i'm finally freed from analytical thinking--and that's where D+G see tripping as analogous to schizophrenia, no grand "i" narrative to unify experience. the whole deleuzian idea of "flow" is so inspired by the hallucinogenic experience i sometimes wonder if you can understand deleuze without having done acid...remember this crazy art teacher assigning Mille Plateaux, then telling us hans haacke begged her to dose us on acid instead because it would do less brain damage


I didn't force it, it just turned out that way. I didn't know what to expect. Of course, afterwards none of the observations I'd made had any meaning to them at all, in retrospect. I found acid very emotionally charged, mushrooms even more so.


but swears, didn't all that meaning just seem apparent, like you didn't have to search for it or analyze it, but you could still feel it and it was maybe even more real than if you did have to think about it? i think everything on acid is very hyperreal, like the everything is supercharged with extra kinetic energy, sometimes energy that's so strong you can even see it. it was pretty amazing to walk through the ghetto while the christmas decorations were still up for that "out-of-time" feeling. acid is more fun for me than organic tryptamines, where it's mostly visual, acid is more about time and space morphing. i always feel like everything feels huge and small at the same time, and ancient and futuristic at the same time. listening to music on acid is probably my all-time favorite activity. you really can't put that into words...or I can't anyway