Well, I remember being there many years ago, on acid, seperated from my friends watching first Ozric Tentacles and then Hawkwind. Some kid wearing only very dirty grey jogging bottoms was hanging off the scaffolding of the stage, swaying from side to side and staring with druggy intensity at the crowd. The music was pretty much what you'd expect, but the spectacle was quite enjoyable in an understandably heavy kind of way. I spent a lot of time wondering whether I did in fact need a shit, and where I would take the shit if I did. Eventually I scrambled over a bank into a potato field which contained hundreds of examples of human defecation in discrete lumps every few yards. It was a kind of vision of hell, and I remember feeling a kind of profound existential loneliness. But if you asked me if I would swap the experience for one of standing next to some home-counties muppet with a hair wrap and a sun hat, waving her arms around to whatever NME-hyped skinny-tie cock jockeys are playing on the pyramid stage, then obviously I wouldn't.
I would go on, but I can literally feel myself aging as I type...