
Darned cockwombles.
Let's face it - most things are shit, and this thread could overtake the grime one if allowed to thrive and prosper.
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Tight but Polite
Let's face it - most things are shit, and this thread could overtake the grime one if allowed to thrive and prosper.
Yes, but for something to qualify as a 'sacred cow' it seems that at least one person in the history of the world has to have liked it... it's in danger of turning into a subset of the 'pointless but it does my head in' thread.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Punt and Dennis. Ha ha ha ha.

Stewart Lee is actually worse because his jokes are no better than Dennis or Punt's, but he thinks he's smarter than Lenny Bruce.

Actually, when I see Mock the Week, I want to emigrate. To Libya. All your favorite hated Radio 4/Comedy Club stand-ups pretending that their pathetic "jokes" are spontaneous witticisms.

Oh. My. God. That show is an abomination, it's like the Antichrist of HIGNFY or something.

Quite like Stewart Lee, though.

Someone mentioned James Martin - I intended this for the 'Does My Head In' thread but it might as well go here: I recently flew with Ryanair-bothering upstart Flybe (sorry, "flybe") and while perusing their in-flight menu I learnt that nowadays it apparently takes a 'celebrity' chef (JaMar - never heard of the fucker until then) to "create" a cunting cheese and pickle sandwich. I had a definite maybe-al-Qa'eda-has-a-point moment there and then.


Well-known member
well done craner for putting crackerjack firmly in his place. very well said and absolutely right.


Trent End
16 year olds seem so see it as unimpeachable.

the idiots

that doesn't make it a sacred cow though. it's like saying the one show is a sacred cow because adrian chiles' gran likes it. same with that two pints of lager... crap. a sacred cow is something the general public seem to feel is untouchable right, but actually it's a bit shit.

like stephen fry.

not like hollyoakes

(i quite like hollyoakes)


Well-known member
I see mr tea has included a reference to the mary whitehouse experience
you are a bad man tea, a very destructive man


Darned cockwombles.
Oh, I'd just like to say how much I loathe people venerating Shooting Stars, which has apparently made an ill-conceived comeback. Reeves, Mortimer, Johnsson, Lucas - could it get worse? The shittest of shit panel shows.


Darned cockwombles.
the first two pages of this thread definitely have some genuine sacred cows.

Rectified. Is this the derivation of the phrase, btw?



Beast of Burden
Cinematic sacred cows I take issue with: David Lynch, Stanley Kubrik, Francis Ford Coppola, Jean Luc Godard (very much so), Fellini (apart from Toby Dammit), Antonioni (apart from Blow-Up, but that's pushing it), Bertolucci (apart from The Conformist, but he isn't the best thing about that film, in fact he almost ruined it), David Cronenburg, Spike Lee, Mike Leigh. I'd add Oliver Stone but he's ridiculed enough and in some ways I admire his ludicrous guts and, after all, no one else bothered to make Wall Street, did they? Even American Psycho (the novel, not the film) was a few years too late.

I'd either be a bloody awful film critic or a particularly brilliant one.


Beast of Burden
I'd really like to have Ross Noble as a friend as long as he would shut up sometimes. I find him really charming. But again, I wonder why he thinks he should get paid for what he does? Or even known for it? He's an abysmal stand-up. Not that I give a shit, but Eddie Izzard has been ruinous for stand-up comedy. Talking random shit is not "edgy" or "surreal", it's pub-bore boring.

It's all been downhill since Bob Newhart, if you ask me. He's untouchable.

The only british comic I rate at the moment is Catherine Tate. I think she's magic. One of the greats!

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Oh, I'd just like to say how much I loathe people venerating Shooting Stars, which has apparently made an ill-conceived comeback. Reeves, Mortimer, Johnsson, Lucas - could it get worse? The shittest of shit panel shows.


Almost everyone I know likes this absolute shower. It's just fucking awful.