
Well-known member
LOL you've changed your tune !
Maybe cos it doesn't really matter anymore as like i predicted when everyone was getting pissy about dj Nate that it wouldn't matter when people had heard more of the music and more of the history and storys.

also no - ones said that about dj roc unless they got it down wrong in interviews or reviews or whatever i reckon

what it says in his bio on the planet mu site is that the bosses of the circle were the first juke squad to make their own mix tapes with the help of dj slugo, subtle difference, that doesn't say what your're saying - i feel you're just looking for trouble here really.
Also in the real world - journalists will misread subtletees etc - it's quite boring to get arsey about these things allow them

anyway didn't moby invent juke

bosses of the circle have not been in existence as long as juke has. but whatever, at the end of the day, you're right.

individuals & journalists only care about creating a cool atmosphere, not actual truth.

oh, fyi, i read somewhere that tiger woods created juke.

Dr Awesome

No, I started juke.



bass downstairs
history = his story

if you want to go with the corny cliche -- truth is in the eye of the beholder.

if you want to go deep and philosophical -- buddhism teaches that the mind creates the universe.


Neema / anyone - what's the deal with the overkill comp, is it officially out yet? is it gonna be on juno or bleep anytime soon? not that i have anything against zero-inch, i just can't be arsed to sign up to yet another mp3 shop.

ps @dave q, your RA article is great!

pps i know i'm well behind the chat, i've been offline for a week, but in da club before 11 o'clock was the first juke tune i ever heard and is still my all-time favourite. just ridiculously good.

dave quam

Well-known member
I believe it will be on Juno, Beatport ect on Dec 12th, until then you gotta get it from Zero-Inch

I will be giving out freebies from the comp until then

Aww Nein

Wild Palms
one thing im curious about in all this "innovators of footwork" debate is the whole formal thing of pitching the main backing samples up and down, somthing that DJ Nate does in pretty much every one of his songs but somthing i dont really here in most of the other tracks (rashad, spinn, arpebu etc). i mean is this somthing that a lot of of the people in the juke scene frown upon, or think is a bit childish/not serious? it wasnt really mentioned in daves footwork history article (unless i missed it), but for me and most of my friends when i first heard footwork (via nate, this thread and whatever else i could find on youtube back in 2008/9 or somthing) this was one on the main formal innovations, slowing down the backing track while the percussion stays at the same tempo giving this really weird 2 time thing, and this amazing freedom in tempo that linked with the dancing

i meani know this sample thing has grown out of hip hop generally, chopped and screwed and chipmunk vocals etc, but when did this become such a big thing in footwork? nnazem and dave...? :D

dave quam

Well-known member
DJ Clent - Back Up Off Me

There are tons of tracks from the last 10 years with halftime/doubletime samples. RP Boo did that all the time! His track called "night and day" is like a 7 minute ride from double time to half time, then back up again to double time...and along the way the vocal sample isn't technically on beat. It's amazing, really complex and weird. I don't have the full 7 minute version that he played me in his car once, but the intro of "Dude Off 59th Street" is that track. I'll bother him to give me the full version and share it.

DJ Solo has a lot of tracks with double/halftime similar to DJ Nate (and I'm sure Nate was pretty influenced by Solo. As far as the sappy sample, overuse of the half/doubletime "Nateisms" business...I think Solo made way better tracks than Nate)

Rashad and Spinn don't do that as much.

dave quam

Well-known member
Oh yeah...

The "chipmunk" thing is definitely influenced by Ron Hardy, who would pitch records up really high back in the 80s, like +8...which was pretty revolutionary at the time. No ID, Kanye's mentor back in his early days even claims that Ron Hardy was his influence for the chipmunk sound, obviously passing it on to Kanye...though Kanye claims it was the Rza, which is bullshit.

As far as when did this 1/2 and x2 shit start as far as footwork goes? Pretty much the first footwork track, RP Boo's Baby Come On in 1997, which has both.


Well-known member
Oh yeah...

The "chipmunk" thing is definitely influenced by Ron Hardy, who would pitch records up really high back in the 80s, like +8...which was pretty revolutionary at the time. No ID, Kanye's mentor back in his early days even claims that Ron Hardy was his influence for the chipmunk sound, obviously passing it on to Kanye...though Kanye claims it was the Rza, which is bullshit.

i doubt anyone is stupid enough to claim rza (or any one person) invented pitched up vocal samples.

i wouldve thought it was fair to say rza popularized the style within hip hop - before wu records, it was considered a shitty way to use a sample wasnt it.