The "how I will be watching the election results" thread

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Don't underestimate the 'mom sympathy' effect - she could still have IVF and pop a sprog with no arms and legs or something.


Good stuff Oliver, exactly what I was after. I think that even if Obama doesn't do anything more, the fact that he has instantly reduced so many nutters to teeth-gnashing impotent rage is worth something in itself.


rip this joint please
'Mad' Mel:

"Millions of Americans remain lion-hearted, decent, rational and sturdy. They find themselves today abandoned, horrified, deeply apprehensive for the future of their country and the free world"


what is she on about?
Obama is as much a 'city-on-hill' narrative peddler as any other major US politician of either stripe.
(he's just less of a cock than most of the others.)


Factory Girl
Some of the comments on the Melanie Phillips article are a real eye-opener:

All of the Commies are slithering out of their holes and proclaiming victory. Obama will be timid at first then with time will go into his Socialist mode. I compared Obama to Hitler several weeks ago and got shot down for it....give him time...he fits the mold. The only difference is instead of destroying and conquering Europe, Obama is intent on destroying the US and everything it stands for...He hates this country and its people with a passion. His call for the Fairness Doctrine, a strong National Army and past anti-gun votes are just a few signs that point to subjugation of the masses. But on the positive note, Obama under-estimates most of the American people. We're individualists, unlike the Germans, and its hard to subjugate individualists. He's got a real fight on his hands. Pray for us.



Beast of Burden
Or as one NRO wrote to Jonah Goldberg (according to him): 'It’s kind of like being diagnosed with testicular cancer. You hope to live through the treatment, but you don’t look forward to what you’re about to lose.'


All of the Commies are slithering out of their holes and proclaiming victory. Obama will be timid at first then with time will go into his Socialist mode.

Did anyone watch the Goolsbee vs Holtz-Eakin debate at the CFR that I posted? Goolsbee's response to accusations of socialism was brilliant.