Rolling Rugby Thread


Beast of Burden
I know you're all football fans, but I'm sure some of you follow this sport too. What was the quote? "Football is the Gentleman's game played by thugs, Rugby is the thug's game played by Gentlemen." Anyway, the fantastic start to last week's Wales vs. All Blacks game. Shame Wales collapsed so badly in the 2nd half, but at least they made NZ raise their game. Tomorrow they scalp the Ozzies. Come on



Beast of Burden
My mother went on a date with Phil Bennet in the 60s, but he wasn't her type. If he was, I wouldn't exist. Imagine that!

We saw Merv the Swerv filling up his battered Peugeot at a Mumbles petrol station in 1990. He was clearly slightly brain-damaged, almost tramp-like. Mum said, "that's Merv the Swerve. He was once great." It was heart-breaking.

Dangerous game.


Well-known member
i have to be honest craner. wales are not very good. if you think that was the all blacks stepping up their game you're mad. if you'd seen the tri-nations games you'd realise that. wales run around like headless chickens. they've got no real power in the fowards either. they're good anough to beat england and the rest of the 6 nations but thats it. they wont even beat australia and australia are a bit shit.


Beast of Burden
That's just what the All Blacks said, but you're right. They're getting to be the best Northern team however, as long as Gatland sticks around. We have the best collection of players in the North. Even you Kiwis would kill for a runner like Shane Williams and a kicker like Stephen Jones. We're after you!


Well-known member
shane williams is a lovely player but he has neither the pace or the raw power of any of literally 7 or 8 kiwi wingers. and do you really think henry would want to swap jones for carter? gatland seems to be a good thing however and id be happy to see an extended period of welsh dominance in the northern hempishere. 6 nations is shit without a strong wales side.


Beast of Burden
Plus our captain, Ryan Jones, is way cooler than your robot. We have spirit, whereas your team is an ex-colonial machine.


Well-known member
i wonder if it is possible for wales to get a position where they can challenge the south... the elvs will help them no end i'd imagine. all that running.


Well-known member
i like mccaw actually. to accuse the all blacks is being robotic is fairly one eyed. who is best bale to handle an unstructured game? who is best able to take initiave? who is best able to depart from a gameplan or come back from a mistake? its wales and the rest of the north who are the overcoached robots. the evidence is conclusive.


Well-known member
and willaims didn't run rings around anyone. wales got smashed without new zealand entering 2nd gear and you know it. hes too slow and too puny to make any impact against nz. looks great going up agsint english fowards though, i'll give him that.


Beast of Burden
looks great going up agsint english fowards though, i'll give him that.

Or the French back 3? Give me a break.

You know you want him, you Southern monomaniac.


Well-known member
id like to see wales do well against the wallabies. i think they have a faint chance. about 1 in 5. its wallabies b team playing away so nows the time...


Beast of Burden
Wait and see. We are very hungry for a Southern scalp right now. We feel we can do it, and that helps.


rip this joint please
definitely getting along to be best in the north.

missed opportunity to send a message against that Boks team the other week.

anyway unfortunately i'm an Englishman so my opinions are fairly worthless.

big up NZ in the League final the other week BTW.

as i was watching the Vancouver Canucks vs Edmonton Oilers (the entire NHL retired Gretzky's number after he stopped playing; no team has a player with his old number on their shirts in their squad) in a bar in Vancouver recently - i fell desperately in lust with a girl in that bar, i must admit to being a sad objectifying prat at this stage - i got chatting to a middle-aged local of Italian heritage who had played for Canada back in the day.
he had been given the opportunity to play for Italy when he was choosing, but declined as they were a lot less good than they are now. (or, for good, read: a decent team.)
that was a regret, but he'd had a time.
he bought me a Guinness and i bought him a glass of red.


Darned cockwombles.
i like mccaw actually. to accuse the all blacks is being robotic is fairly one eyed. who is best bale to handle an unstructured game? who is best able to take initiave? who is best able to depart from a gameplan or come back from a mistake? its wales and the rest of the north who are the overcoached robots. the evidence is conclusive.

I see your point, but I don't agree. It's not overcoaching, just the usual deficiencies - not getting quickly enough tot he breakdown (number one sin in my book), missed tackles etc etc

ANyway, great to have a rugby thread on Dissensus. I will be doing my usual thing of screaming at the TV while Wales are on.


Darned cockwombles.

Different code, but Autralians, watch this and weep. No-one int he south dummies like that (I wait to hear the exceptions to this).