The whole thing was made worse by the fact that they decided, irrevocably, on that first afternoon, that I was perfect second row material, so I had to learn about the whole appalling package of scrums, ruck and mauls, and be expected to participate in them. It was so ludicrous.
Eventually, after a couple of years, I was allowed to duck out of this and spend every winter afternoon doing things like squash, badminton or (ahem) unsupervised "cross country running", which was supposed to be a shameful cop out in my school (you'd be called "the dregs") but actually, and always, seemed like a better deal to me.
In the summer I would excel at athletics because I was tall, lanky but also a fast runner, so I'd get all these rugby teachers telling me I had to sign up the next winter, that they could see great potential in me, but every time I'd be like, "you've gotta be joking."