chomsky vs buckley


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buckley is admirably pretentious/
craner would say chomsky gets eaten alive here, make up yr own minds...


Beast of Burden
Funnily enough, I just finished reading this article. I don't know about WFB - he was obviously a very smart and energetic and talented individual, but his ultra-traditionalist Roman Catholicism made him sound a bit mad. His wife was great, though.

I don't know why people don't prevail against Chomsky more often and more effectively, as he always strikes me as being rather easy to take down. So many of his statements in public debate are so utterely and flagrantly decontextualised and distorted that thay are worthless. There's a debate with Richard Perle on youtube, in which Perle attempts, quite consisely, to explain that a State Department policy paper produced by staffers from one of the many Foggy Bottom departments in the mid-80s is not the same thing as Reagan Administration policy. Obviously true, but Chomsky's retort is, well, people involved in the Administration always claim to know more than those her weren't. Hardly high-calibre stuff. (Even more silly, as Perle spent most of his time at Defense in bureaucratic civil war with State.)

After this little exchange, you can see Perle's eyes glaze over and he simply sinks into morose boredom, allowing Chomsky to ramble on and on and throw his accusations and mild tantrums. This leaves the impression that he eviscerates Perle, even though he doesn't. But I think this is how he does it: by boring his opponents into submission.


Well-known member
i wish merely to draw attention to the starkly terrifying teeth-baring of buckley. its truly deepy sinister. watch and quail. that is no ordinary smile.
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he reminds me of kenneth willaims a lot. is that the right name? the carry on camping one....


Beast of Burden


Listened to Perle vs Chomsky last night. Very funny, at least for a bit. Chomsky droning on spuriously about a few random documents that apparently prove everything from America's imperial ambition to Regan's mass murder (he killed more people than Pol Pot)! Perle, dignified but weary, annihilates him. Got bored after that.


Well-known member
Chomsky is crushingly dull and his books are unreadable. However I suspect he is one of the Great Men of Our Time, such as they are. Perle probably isn't.


Perle's still the 'prince of darkness' though, isn't he -- he needs to rehabilitate his rep via some kind of public humiliation on Celebrity Big Brother.


"I'm a boring speaker and I like it that way. I doubt that people are attracted to whatever the persona is... people are interested in the issues, and they're interested in the issues because they are important."


But Richard Perle in a cat suit would pull in the viewers, and establish his humanity. (I should do PR). Got to be better telly than that execrable tit Sherridan.


Well-known member
perle has a nice way of speaking. sticks to generalities though. i do think he comes off a fair bit worse.


Well-known member
just listened to the whole of the perele one.
not sure what craner was on about. he's a bit of a dick when it comes to politics.
i've never heard anyone get demolished in debate like that before. perle is utterly helpless/


perle has a nice way of speaking

That's true -- a rich, smoky baritone, like an American Richard Burton. Perhaps, seeing as CBB is up and running already, Perle could do Jackanory instead.


just listened to the whole of the perele one.
not sure what craner was on about. he's a bit of a dick when it comes to politics.
i've never heard anyone get demolished in debate like that before.

I listened up to the end of part four, and I don't think that Chomsky had landed any punches by that point. Guess it all happens in the last two rounds.


Well-known member
gets going at part 6. chomsky is actually genuinely stunning. a real performance. perle flounders painfully. it becomes humiliating. perle starts yelling marxist like thingy did, the guy that obama was comepteting against.


rip this joint please
thanks for the summary Luka.

i hear Lucy Pinder and Terry Christian are on CBB.

i believe Mutya Buena is too, and i must be frank: i have the hots for her, big time.

(sorry, this has nothing to do with Chomsky vs Perle.)

Craner mentions Perle here and i remember Luke and i being enthused with his cataloguing of his fellow rabidly crypto-fascist neo-con ideologues at the time.

i'd like Ledeen to go toe-to-toe with Chomsky.