did a mix of reggae 12"s from 1976 onwards.... (as far as i know there are none from previous to 76!)... been really digging on the dub styles you hear on 12"s, as opposed to albums or 7"s, it's a totally different approach... there is this window from like 76-79 where you get real roots style, but in a 12" format... two nice tracks on the Guiding Star riddim here...
Long Trime I Don't Smoke No Herb- Blue Boy
Write Me Your Resume- Keith Hudson
Mr. Bossman- Linval Thompson
Disco Devil- Lee Perry and the Full Experiences (repress!)
Jah Jah Star- I-Roy
Zambia Connection- Prince Tony All Stars
Soul and Devotion- Barbara Jones and Trinity
How Can I Leave- Jackie Paris
Never Stay Away- Winston Groovey
Check For You Once Girl- Edi Fitzroy
Dreadlocks Affair- Jah Woosh
Piece of The Action- Copie Copewell
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Long Trime I Don't Smoke No Herb- Blue Boy
Write Me Your Resume- Keith Hudson
Mr. Bossman- Linval Thompson
Disco Devil- Lee Perry and the Full Experiences (repress!)
Jah Jah Star- I-Roy
Zambia Connection- Prince Tony All Stars
Soul and Devotion- Barbara Jones and Trinity
How Can I Leave- Jackie Paris
Never Stay Away- Winston Groovey
Check For You Once Girl- Edi Fitzroy
Dreadlocks Affair- Jah Woosh
Piece of The Action- Copie Copewell
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