salute tottenham


Darned cockwombles.
The beeb apologised to Darcus Howe, pity they didn't do it on the main evening news.
Kay Burley stuff

Or Marucs Dowe, as the 'reporter' called him (I think?). She was sooo fucking rude to him, typical BBC patronising.

Does anyone else have a heavy heart about speaking to certain people in their lives (friends, acquaintances, family, workmates, whatever) about what's happened, cos you know they're going to come out with some awful right-wing shit and you'll hate them for it?


Or Marucs Dowe, as the 'reporter' called him (I think?). She was sooo fucking rude to him, typical BBC patronising.

Does anyone else have a heavy heart about speaking to certain people in their lives (friends, acquaintances, family, workmates, whatever) about what's happened, cos you know they're going to come out with some awful right-wing shit and you'll hate them for it?

so divisive, cf:!/search/feral rats ffs


Darned cockwombles.

god, at least there are quite a few people with hearteningly intelligent things to say there though! eg "soundbite describes rioters as "feral rats" anyone remember any underclasses of the past describ as rats??"

but yes, generally i currnetly have homicidal feelings towards a lot of middle class people, and i speak as one, for being too fucking stupid to be able to even begin to acknowledge/see the privileges they have enjoyed since birth. some people deserve to lose everything, just to get a taste of what life might be like on the other side of the tracks.

edit: obv the woman who lost her shop has the right to say whatever she wants, and it's a disgrace what happened to her, it's the fuckers who havne't been affected but just want to weigh in on the side of class hate I'm referring to.
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Wild Horses
Or Marucs Dowe, as the 'reporter' called him (I think?). She was sooo fucking rude to him, typical BBC patronising.

Does anyone else have a heavy heart about speaking to certain people in their lives (friends, acquaintances, family, workmates, whatever) about what's happened, cos you know they're going to come out with some awful right-wing shit and you'll hate them for it?

Yeah. Surprised at how quickly people want to advocate extreme violence against our youth. The only way I can handle it is to parse it as a reaction that shows the level of shock and fear. I would like to think that this level of hatred can't be sustained, but you never know with our press.


Well-known member
zhao please dont take what i say at face value. i dont want to spell out what that means any more than i want to have to explain a joke after ive made it.
as for the entrepreneurial superempowerment it was a quote that made me laugh (although it was meant in all earnestness) from vimothys favourite survivialist website global guerillas.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I thought luka's post was quite poetic, and its meaning pretty obvious.
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Well-known member
im sorry i got emotional earlier in the thread but these sorts of things actually do make me vry emotional.


Awkward Woodward
Ugh. Just seen this on the Guardian website:

One consequence of the riots is that the number of people using the government's new e-petitions website to sign a petition saying rioters should lose their benefits has gone through the roof. A colleague says it has almost hit the 100,000 mark - which is the point at which the Commons will consider making it the subject of a parliamentary debate. I would like to check for myself, but the website keeps crashing.

Yes, because removing the sole income of people living below the poverty line will really deter them from going looting again. How about removing the internet connection of any cunt signing that petition instead?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
thats very decent of you to say that mr tea.

Cheers man. Looking back I think some of my earlier posts in this thread were a bit reactionary - I mean, of course it's terrible that ordinary people in already run-down parts of the city have had their homes and small business trashed and of course it'd be better if the angry yoot focussed their anger solely on symbols of the state or big business - but it was daft to keep banging on about that because no-one here is substantially disagreeing.
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bandwagon house
Are all these people so embarrassed to be from London right now usually as embarrassed by all the inequality and all that?


Well-known member
read bits of what the speech and discussion in parliament was about and its pretty dissapointing that most of it is merely reactive and about the police not being up to par rather than anyone talking about dealing with some of the broader concerns. obv law and order should be restored and a priority but still, i hope that doesnt end up being the only thing to come out of this. if you watch newsnight it seems like they have little interest in any of the wider issues. maybe thats cos paxman is away i dont know but it has been pretty pathetic to watch the last few nights. exruciating at times actually.