l o v e


in the sea
I'm dodging grading a bunch of papers... if my students only knew how relieved I am whenever one of them neglects to turn in something...
I'm dodging programming in @*#@& C on @#!@# linux so i can have &#$^ program to run a #$@#$ user study on!


booty bass intellectual
The only thing that's valuable is the means to totally transform the world. sigh.


"And I want it nooooooow"

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
I guess I'm just trying steal "health" back after its been coopted by capitalism
Good man. I take this as an absolute given. Just simply because 'health' precedes capitalism, or any other organisational system. What's more important?
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booty bass intellectual
Today I had a total digression from lecture and I started going off about how antibacterial soaps were going to kill us all in the end... For a minute I thought the class was going to think I was crazy, but I think I convinced a lot of them by the end.

Edit: Sorry, that's non sequiter... Something something health co-opted by capitalism, anti-bacterial nasal spray commercials, etc.


in the sea
Good man. I take this as an absolute given. Just simply because 'health' precedes capitalism, or any other organisational system. What's more important?
well, one thing preceding another thing is hardly an argument for it being more important, but I do agree that rescuing "health" is a pretty fundamental precurser to an effective rebellion against any sort of system. I think though that maybe the things being advocated by nomad and gek are sort of along the lines of pushing through and accelerating the issues of health (becoming "inhuman") rather than retreating and reclaiming a more traditional view of health and wellbeing. Somewhat similar to the "excellerate capital to bring about its own demise" argument being given elsewhere. I don't really know enough about either topic to comment, though it sounds cool :cool: and at least moves in a different direction that standard leftist views which haven't really done a whole lot recently.



heavy heavy monster sound
Today I had a total digression from lecture and I started going off about how antibacterial soaps were going to kill us all in the end... For a minute I thought the class was going to think I was crazy, but I think I convinced a lot of them by the end.

Edit: Sorry, that's non sequiter... Something something health co-opted by capitalism, anti-bacterial nasal spray commercials, etc.

That's just the best thing, I used to love it when teachers/tutors went off on one about stuff.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
well, one thing preceding another thing is hardly an argument for it being more important,
Aaargh, I mean precedes as in it is more important. Not least because the state of 'society' follows on from the condition of the people.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
The only thing that's valuable is the means to totally transform the world. sigh.
I think I pretty much agree with this. At least it is of tremendous importance.

Partly my thinking here has been of the school that we start with ourselves, learn who we are, heal ourselves, transform the poison, destroy ourselves to reconstruct ourselves.

You can't do good until you get the monsters out of your system.


Today I had a total digression from lecture and I started going off about how antibacterial soaps were going to kill us all in the end... For a minute I thought the class was going to think I was crazy, but I think I convinced a lot of them by the end.

Edit: Sorry, that's non sequiter... Something something health co-opted by capitalism, anti-bacterial nasal spray commercials, etc.

Yeah, that and antibiotics.


I'm dodging grading a bunch of papers... if my students only knew how relieved I am whenever one of them neglects to turn in something...

I always knew teachers felt like this!! hehehe


I think though that maybe the things being advocated by nomad and gek are sort of along the lines of pushing through and accelerating the issues of health (becoming "inhuman") rather than retreating and reclaiming a more traditional view of health and wellbeing.



there are no accidents
I'm referring to my thoughts about things, hopefully some real things and not just ideas.

It's about getting to something valuable, useful and real.

Not everything someone says relates to some 'source text', especially when they are using perfectly ordinary words in common usage.

if you want something real, valueble, and useful read what i wrote and pasted earlier. but you are now talking to people who are not interested in anything real. it's a waste of time.

i say something like "love heals" and all they do is complacently throw their psychobabble jargon around.

nomad ignores the main points and attacks the details. dismisses statements on absurd grounds such as "they come from different places".

anything, anything to not have to face something outside of the familiar broken record.

she claims that it is not possible to heal. they prefer hip soundbites like "love is a dark force". what ever the FUCK that means. (something zizek said probably. about as useful as a kick in the head. less actually)

they like pain, apparently, and are only interested in endlessly wallow in their theory ladden misery.

i say "there is a way out" and they say "no there isn't". repeat.

The only thing that's valuable is the means to totally transform the world.

see, gek SAYS that's what he's interested in, but actually he is not. at all.

love transforms the world. ego-death destroys capitalism. but he is incapable of understanding or simply uninterested.

what nomad and gek are actually interested in is perpetuating capitalism through patterns of sickness and addiction. that and to feel smart.

it is very tedius. and i wash my hands of the whole thing. for the second time today.


Great points, Zhao. You get an A for thoroughly engaging with the material here.



there are no accidents
(to transform the world) Partly my thinking here has been of the school that we start with ourselves, learn who we are, heal ourselves, transform the poison, destroy ourselves to reconstruct ourselves.

You can't do good until you get the monsters out of your system.

i've been saying this for a while now. it is truth. and it is self evident. but those without eyes will not see, and those without ears will not hear.


Way to take points out of context, as well. I didn't claim it was "impossible to heal", I said my short answer was "no" to a question you posed. And I was actually referring to something HMLT had posted earlier when I said "dark" forces, I was not referring to some sort of jargon, but focus on that if you want to.

Yes, it's absolutely unthinkable that anyone would disagree with your pastiche of Tibetan Buddhism, Christianity, New Age spirituality, and Hallmark Greetings-caliber cliches.


i've been saying this for a while now. it is truth. and it is self evident. but those without eyes will not see, and those without ears will not hear.

Yeah, that's not a cliche or anything "get the monsters out of your system." What does THAT mean I wonder? I'm sure there's a perfectly status quo commensensical explanation for it. :rolleyes:


entered apprentice
they like pain, apparently, and are only interested in endlessly wallow in their theory ladden misery.

i say "there is a way out" and they say "no there isn't". repeat.

see, gek SAYS that's what he's interested in, but actually he is not. at all.

love transforms the world. ego-death destroys capitalism. but he is incapable of understanding or simply uninterested.

what nomad and gek are actually interested in is perpetuating capitalism through patterns of sickness and addiction. that and to feel smart.

it is very tedius. and i wash my hands of the whole thing. for the second time today.

Oh for fucks sake... this really is not the case Zhao, sorry for taking the piss on the Burial thread but seriously... Of course the end of all desire would destroy (this stage of) Capitalism, but what's your delivery method? Airy aphorisms...?


Yeah, I'm the first person ever to like pain, apparently, and it really matters to Zhao for god knows what reason.