Brooker on 9/11 conspiracies


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I pleaded with the council. Took some credit, but I had enough clout. Its more of an insult to let him walk free I said. Plant a seed in him and send him back instead.


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I put all my fears aside and entered enemy turf. Put my fate in their hands. I like to think they respected that.


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The jury's still out on the result. I know Ive regretted it more than once. He does have some charms though. It would be interesting to see if he survives a second visit.


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A lone Orangeman with my orange sash in the hands of the Fenians. My very presence says "let bygones be bygones?"


Well-known member
The jury's still out on the result. I know Ive regretted it more than once. He does have some charms though. It would be interesting to see if he survives a second visit.

They fucking loved me. You're the best prod we've ever met they said slapping me manfully across the back


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Who knows what will happen. The vicissitudes & humours of history & nation can be baffling even to those that hold the handle.


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I was at the gaol today. A bitter wind blew flecks of snow into my face as I stood on the spot where Connolly bled while strapped to a chair and shot.

A Canadian man started crying as the guide pointed up to the flag.


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Its a very resonant space. Had more of an impact on me than I expected.

I pity the brits who head along unforewarned though.


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The prison in Dublin were most nationalists were imprisoned and where they executed the leaders of the 1916 rebellion (and a couple of my great grand relatives) sparking the war of independence, the civil war, and eventually the formation of the republic.

Worth a visit.