Mr. Tea
Let's Talk About Ceps
2 - some of the worst "sexist dickheads" I've ever known - myself included when I was younger - were also ardent, outspoken feminists
Ha, reminds me of something I've noticed: that I've never met or spoken to a woman who thought Dworkin's ideas were worth two shits. The only people I've ever heard speak approvingly of her or attempt to use her in an argument have been guys wanting to prove their impeccable feminist credentials. Ho hum.
Edit: that's probably not what you were getting at exactly, but it seemed relevant. Also, I can't see where the assumption that it's "sexist" to be a "skirt-chaser" comes from - as long as you're not doing in an abusive way, what's wrong with being promiscuous, whether you're a man or a woman? You'd hardly accuse a woman who likes to sleep with lots of different guys of being a "man-hater", would you?
as far as contracts, I didn't realize you meant the complicating factors were the contract, so to speak...
Oh blimey, I didn't quite mean to equate the two - but there's certainly a bit connection or overlap. I'm too tired now to give it much detailed thought. All I say is, the course of true love never did run smooth...
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