Hip Hop '11


Well-known member
friends turned up at my door just as i was about to get into that crowleyhead. i'll say something helpful today. did you hav a solo blog prior to nojumpere?


Well-known member
friends turned up at my door just as i was about to get into that crowleyhead. i'll say something helpful today. did you hav a solo blog prior to nojumpere?


Well-known member

i stole this off a blog i was just rude about. shameless behaviour. funny song.
i go Nandos, peri-peri/i kiss a girl, Katy Perry
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Well-known member
crowley you got me nervous to be honest. ive decided im not gonna do it on a public forum. email me.
heronbone at gmail


Well-known member
i got the wire today so i could read the noz thing on bedroom rap. its a good article. talks about people i never heard of. they're not verey good really (its indie music in the classic sense, lo-fi, aimless, unambitious. interestingly reynolds cover article is about indie music too. i dont really enjoy indie music as a rule. toop has a very dense looking thing on mellow soul that looks good but i couldnt be bothered with it at the time) but its an interesting article. i think i first found cocaine blunts through trying to find audio of the casual vs saafir battle quite a long time ago. seems to have a strong attachment to th west coast underground.

on a sidenote, although the wire is not an ugly magazine it has always had the worst photography of any magazine i have ever seen.
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Well-known member
At the same time, it's kinda nice to see a return to indie rap on a minor level. post-Kanye, it seemed everyone was just making 'underground commercial' strictly, as hipster rappers kept getting signed and having hits and everyone seemed to just want to make music that could get fans... These guys show that there are still people making music that they think is unique...

Left Lebbera doesn't interest me that much though admittedly, nor Pyramid Vitira. But Main Attrakionz did put out like, THE BEST ALBUM THIS YEAR so far. They've been so prolific, I wonder why they don't blow up nearly as well as they do. I mean... I think Legion Of Doom hasn't gotten past 10,000 youtube views yet. I guess they really need to put out their legitimate LP now or something.

Issue is... Issue. It's reinforcing based music, so either people are going to think it's great or inessential.


Well-known member
the ones i had heard of, main attrakionz among them, i like to varying degrees.

crowley i sent you an email.


Well-known member
I replied. Thanks again luka.

I'm annoyed that the west coast has such a thriving indie rap vibe bubbling and out east... We have relatively nothing. Yes, we have KKK but that's more of an OF off-shoot if anything. Maybe hipster culture is just too pervasive in NYC, so you either have to be doing Chiddy Bang music, or still doing classic 'hood rap'. You would figure with Def Jux closing it's doors and Fat Beats closing up shop, there'd be a demand for this stuff, but no. Nothing.


Well-known member
i always felt the west had a better underground though to be honest. definetly more weirdos and hippies. mayb it is to do with hipsterism and the inability to be earnest in some degree. i dont know. i worry about london getting swallowed by that. its had such a good run....


Well-known member
As far as 'indie' rap... yes and no? Theirs was more crew based, and ours more individual (for example, Kool Keith, Aesop Rock and MF Doom as opposed to Hiero, Project Blowed & Living Legends). Maybe the weird New Yorkers will have to band together this time around.

I realize I forgot about Das Racist, but I kind of look at them as a sort of death-knell of NYC Indie Rap in it's classic sense. It's a group made of the fans of that music, making jokes about the people those fans and the people who ran the label, turned into... A celebration of adulthood's corruption. There's something sort of gross and un-hip-hop about it.


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this is a lil boosie video. if you are a fan of lil boosie on facebook you will hav had this sent to you too,
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re: west coast underground rap, noz did a good thing by banging on about freestyle fellowship so much it made me find my cd of their first album. hes right. they are/were really amazing mcs, allowing for a few not so great typical early 90s acid jazzish live backings. i dont know why i never liked them at the time, cos i loved the liks, saafir, del and heiros etc. think its cos at the time they were seen as technically great, but with nothing beneath that (which is still wrong anyway).


Well-known member

the bllog i heard this on said
'This is one of the most astounding beats I’ve heard. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything else before that reminds me of it. I have no idea if this was a song or mixtape that got any attention when it dropped. I really doubt it. Back On My Buck Shit Vol. 2 - Change Of Plans?? It came out last fall? But I would like to hear an entire instrumental album of beats from Drumma Boy that sounded exactly like this. It’s like trap jazz or something.' it is pretty nuts, i nvere heard anything like it ither


Well-known member
gumdrops i often think that you are th person on here that got th most similar musical history to me. maybe not suprising cos were probably th same age and grew up down the road from one another.
i got on freestlye fellowship album too. i dont know if its thee 1st or 2nd. it has bo0undaries on it and thats th rason i got it cos that song was featured on th sounth bank show they dedicated to hiphop in about 1992 which i taped and watched repeatedly. that song sounded amazing with some footage of b-boys dancing. it was presented by melle mel.


Well-known member
i loved that south bank show! (tho it was only me and my best mate at the time who watched it - everyone else in my school was into oasis and blur lol). dont know where my video of it is now, but i hunted down a bootleg of wildstyle after seeing that double trouble routine on there. edit - its on youtube (obviously).
got to be one of the best tag team raps ever.

i have inner city griots from FF - some of what ive heard is a bit over animated/frisky in that sort of cutesy early 90s way (boundaries is them being pretty laid back) but i still like it. thats also prob cos ive listened to too many comatose thug rap guys. im going to find their first album now.

ps - that young buck/game beat is weird. like jazz crunk.
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Well-known member
everyones loving this. obama? someone said puffy, cant remember who. who knows....
(prodigy-black devil)
i said i wouldnt bother with this but i might have to listen to it now cos this is good too
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