
Well-known member
i was saying to limburger ive seen a few of those dont step on me american family groups in london for the first time this year. proper evil looking.


“An ugly thing, that is what you are when you become a tourist, an ugly, empty thing, a stupid thing, a piece of rubbish pausing here and there to gaze at this and taste that, and it will never occur to you that the people who inhabit the place in which you have just paused cannot stand you,”

was just reading this and was wondering, is that a new thing that the whole of usa goes to europe in the summer or is that something recent?
This is annoying bullshit and you should regret posting it


i'm not trying to be a dick but some memes deserve to die and this one is very deserving

if residents are unhappy with tourism in their town, or its effect on air bnbs, that's a problem for their local government. draft up new policy, limit the number of airbnb licenses, ensure new land can be developed to keep rents down, shut down your tourism office, make certain parks or areas resident-only. hating people for wanting to visit the place you live is bullshit. it's like, not only do you think you own your plot of land, but you have exclusive rights over the entire locality for a hundred-mile radius, and no one can come see it or spend time in it. an absolutely insane mentality that somehow has caught sway in public discourse, at the intersection of "elite countersignaling" and "standing up for the colonized" larping

I grew up in a town which relied heavily on tourism and nobody "hated" them. they were really helpful to the economy, a ton of families I knew, the local business they ran wouldn't stay afloat without tourism. yes, obviously there are many annoying tourists, but there are also many many dickwad residents, people suck and this shouldn't surprise anyone. yes, obviously, the rise in tourism is gonna cause a ton of tension and friction at first, disruptions/transitions are always rough.

it's a beautiful thing that people want to see the world, and mentally ill uchicago professors writing new yorker articles against travel doesn't change that


Europe is in the total pits economically. when I was visiting it was laughably cheap, like, beautiful beach town tourist trap seafood was cheaper than midwest bumfuck great plains gas station food. this is why there's more american tourists, they're taking advantage of the arbitrage and as a result, europe stays financially solvent for a couple more years. I don't mean to be rude, but i'm also unclear what else Italy or Greece have going for them, economically, beyond olive oil exports and tourism


Hopefully my trip is well before that but who knows. Are you just staying in hostels?
My dad is finally retiring and wants to have a little villa for a month, he's never been to Europe and he has a teacher's pension. So I'll probably be crashing there a fair bit of the time. Maybe going to Morocco with my lil bro if I can persuade him.

Last few times I was on the continent I did hostels and it was great. Remember getting private rooms in Paris, Germany for 30 or 40 euro a night in 2017. London was terrible. Incredibly expensive. Probably paying that much just to get in on a triple-bunk in a ten-person mens room filled with drunk Aussies.


Wild Horses
that kind of clumpy thing that people have been doing for almost 20 years now
longer than 20 surely with DMs
I hope no one here wears DMs
extremely poor shoe choice


Well-known member
I will most likely do london and then up to glasgow for the begining as it will be easy to tattoo there...I think. Plus I could see all my friends from dissensus. From there I dont really know where besides paris but I want to be gone for a month at least. Feel like an idiot that I havent already gone while I have this extreme job fluidity


Well-known member
I will most likely do london and then up to glasgow for the begining as it will be easy to tattoo there...I think. Plus I could see all my friends from dissensus. From there I dont really know where besides paris but I want to be gone for a month at least. Feel like an idiot that I havent already gone while I have this extreme job fluidity
maybe some italy but theres nothing fashionable there at all so no good for your work