It's slightly depressing to see everybody (myself included) interpreting the whole thing as conclusive proof that they were right all along, regardless of what those underlying opinions were. All the leftists (again including me I suppose) slot it seamlessly into "the cuts are bad" and others now 'have proof' that "these people are mindless scum" etc.
Twitter commentators getting hard-ons for rubber bullets and the army, rapidly followed by others revelling with equal glee in the "exposure of the racism and class-hatred of self-proclaimed liberals etc etc". So it turns out a lot of people rate their personal safety and their collection of material shit higher than their principles when stuff around them is on fire. Quelle suprise? Is knowing that about @generic_guy_23 really much of a radical marxist victory?
Anyone appearing on TV presenting an 'explanation' for the actions of thousands of individuals you don't agree with is greeted with cries of "get this cunt off TV", but no censorship is actually required as seconds later you can just change channel to some other pundit who's views more closely match your own.
Rather boring bit of navel gazing I suppose. Agree with GrizzleB's take on things personally, but then I would wouldn't I? It's a good thread Luka, but as you say, we're mostly playing out our usual roles.