It's great when you're straight

william kent

Well-known member
I'm going to tell my brother to stop drinking.

He got pissed and fell off a railway bridge last night, broke his leg and was stuck lying on the tracks for three hours while an ambulance tried to find him.

Apparently he thought he was going to die because he was just stuck in this tunnel in the pitch black, couldn't stand up, nobody could see him and he wasn't sure whether one of the rails was electrified so couldn't work out how to get off the tracks.

Eventually he just sort of crawled over to the side and eased himself over them then the police, fire brigade and paramedics finally arrived and they had to get a crane or something to get him out on a stretcher.

It might have fucked his career as he's the one who's a tree surgeon and they've said he might not be able to use his leg properly again due to them having to bolt it, stick a rod in etc.

Very grim.
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is not like other people
I'm going to tell my brother to stop drinking.

He got pissed and fell off a railway bridge last night, broke his leg and was stuck lying on the tracks for three hours while an ambulance tried to find him.

Apparently he thought he was going to die because he was just stuck in this tunnel in the pitch black, couldn't stand up, nobody could see him and he wasn't sure whether one of the rails was electrified so couldn't work out how to get off the tracks.

Eventually he just sort of crawled over to the side and eased himself over them then the police, fire brigade and paramedics finally arrived and they had to get a crane or something to get him out on a stretcher.

It might have fucked his career as he's the one who's a tree surgeon and they've said he might not be able to use his leg properly again due to them having to bolt it, stick a rod in etc.

Very grim.
fucking hell

william kent

Well-known member
Yeah, it's really bad. He was like five minutes from his house and decided to take a shortcut, hopped over a wall without looking and fell fifteen feet onto the tracks.


Well-known member
that's obviously terrible. i feel for him. he'll be cursing himself i'm sure. and it's the sort of thing that could quite easily happen to, maybe not any of us, but certainly to me and woops. it does play on my mind. i haven't drunk for a month now but i can't say i feel great. it's a destructive drug, in the long run. i smashed my ankle last year. smashed the face the year before that. i smashed my wrist, my collarbone etc etc and you think, one day this could all catch up with me.


Well-known member
i do understand why people are scared to stop cos you're confronted by how empty life is once you stop. there's really nothing there. what you going to do? stare at the wall? do some press ups?


is not like other people
its a tough one because theres a grim dead end on every drug and on sobriety too



Ow that is a really fucking nasty thing to say. Unless they meant it as a compliment in which case it's not as nasty in its intent, of course, but it's an unbelievably horrible thing to be on the receiving end of. Fucking hell, people can be so cruel.


Fuck me @version .... that sounds fucking bad. Hope he recovers ok.

I'm going to tell my brother to stop drinking.

Yeah... might be that you're carefully shutting and no doubt double-locking that stable door but the horse has well and truly bolted and is having a whale of a time getting absolutely wankered and playing silly buggers on the railway track.

He got pissed and fell off a railway bridge last night, broke his leg and was stuck lying on the tracks for three hours while an ambulance tried to find him.

Doesn't speak well to the brains of the ambulance crew does it? ff you're looking for something on the line then surely you just pick a point as near to where he fell as you can identify and send one group of people walking up and another down. They can have that piece of advice for free in case something similar happens in the future.

Apparently he thought he was going to die because he was just stuck in this tunnel in the pitch black, couldn't stand up, nobody could see him and he wasn't sure whether one of the rails was electrified so couldn't work out how to get off the tracks.

What a nightmare. You're saying he was facing the dilemma of "do I lie here and wait to be obliterated or should I crawl over the line and get fucking fried right now?" I can imagine he sobered up pretty quickly at that point. I'm guessing he had a phone and called the ambulance but did he ring you next? I can imagine that if that were me I would want someone to metaphorically hold my hand as I waited for the 0548 to come powering through and leave me chuffed to bits. Thank fuck British trains are so unreliable.

Eventually he just sort of crawled over to the side and eased himself over them then the police, fire brigade and paramedics finally arrived and they had to get a crane or something to get him out on a stretcher.

It might have fucked his career as he's the one who's a tree surgeon and they've said he might not be able to use his leg properly again due to them having to bolt it, stick a rod in etc.

Very grim.

Damn. Well, I wish him all the best. How is he doing psychologically? I think I'd be a gibbering wreck.

Did he get into any legal trouble for being on the line or did they decide he'd been punished enough?

william kent

Well-known member
I'm guessing he had a phone and called the ambulance but did he ring you next?

He tried ringing his housemates first as he was right near their house and I don't think he realised how fucked up his leg was beyond it hurting to walk on a bit.

I didn't hear about it until around 11am and he'd been in hospital since 6.

Once the paramedics got to him and told him he'd broken his leg he said the pain suddenly shot up.

How is he doing psychologically? I think I'd be a gibbering wreck.

He's pretty rattled, but not quite a gibbering wreck. He hasn't got much of an appetite atm and he said he kept shaking at one point, but that might have been due to lying on the tracks in the cold as well as stress, anxiety etc.


He tried ringing his housemates first as he was right near their house and I don't think he realised how fucked up his leg was beyond it hurting to walk on a bit.

I didn't hear about it until around 11am and he'd been in hospital since 6.

Once the paramedics got to him and told him he'd broken his leg he said the pain suddenly shot up.

He's pretty rattled, but not quite a gibbering wreck. He hasn't got much of an appetite atm and he said he kept shaking at one point, but that might have been due to lying on the tracks in the cold as well as stress, anxiety etc.

Poor guy. I hope he recovers well.


Well-known member
that's obviously terrible. i feel for him. he'll be cursing himself i'm sure. and it's the sort of thing that could quite easily happen to, maybe not any of us, but certainly to me and woops. it does play on my mind. i haven't drunk for a month now but i can't say i feel great. it's a destructive drug, in the long run. i smashed my ankle last year. smashed the face the year before that. i smashed my wrist, my collarbone etc etc and you think, one day this could all catch up with me.
I think if you have smashed your wrist, ankle, face & collarbone it has already caught up with you.


My friend broke his back drunkenly climbing up a drainpipe to get in some girl's window, he fell down from the top and it was one of those London ones that has a kind of lower bit outside where you can go down to enter a basement flat I suppose. So quite a big fall. Luckily there were two guys walking home and they stopped to watch, laughing at the drunken fool shinning up the wall. When he fell they were still there and apparently - as a nurse - he knew straight away it was serious and he shouted "get an ambulance, I've broken my back".