Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Yes, I read that at the time. It describes an effort to ensure the election was free and fair. You, HMG and luka interpreted this as if a referee in a boxing match who's just spotted that one of the fighters has entered the ring wielding a baseball bat and taken it off him before the match has therefore 'fixed' the match in favour of the other guy.

Your boy lost fair and square. Cope harder.
We come around, yet again, to the to-troll-or-not-to-troll question, because I can't quite believe anyone is so thick as to still be spinning this line after Fox made a settlement with Dominion in which they admitted that their claims about "Biden stealing the election" were total bullshit, and that they knew it at the time.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
This was exactly as embarrassing two and half years ago. Do you really want to go through it all over again?


This was exactly as embarrassing two and half years ago. Do you really want to go through it all over again?
If you were one of my tutees I would literally now have to go through the article line by line in order to get you to understand how subtext works and how lots of what is described in the article is quite irregular. But we do not have the time and I've already decided not to put you in for the higher paper anyway.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
If you were one of my tutees I would literally now have to go through the article line by line in order to get you to understand how subtext works and how lots of what is described in the article is quite irregular. But we do not have the time and I've already decided not to put you in for the higher paper anyway.
So in other words, it doesn't say anything of the sort.


So in other words, it doesn't say anything of the sort.
I was being charitable: the writer literally talks about 'conspiracy', 'cabal' etc. in positive terms.

'There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes...'
'...a well-funded cabal of powerful people...' (this is literally the language used in conspiracy theories since time immemorial)

Fine, the genius Biden and his cronies were cunning enough to achieve their aim but you cannot also pretend that these operators are a vast crowd of Mother Theresas constantly outdoing each other in benevolence and moral probity.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I was being charitable: the writer literally talks about 'conspiracy', 'cabal' etc. in positive terms.

'There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes...'
'...a well-funded cabal of powerful people...' (this is literally the language used in conspiracy theories since time immemorial)

Fine, the genius Biden and his cronies were cunning enough to achieve their aim but you cannot also pretend that these operators are a vast crowd of Mother Theresas constantly outdoing each other in benevolence and moral probity.
Strawman - I never said they were living saints, and they were obviously acting in self-interest.

Nonetheless, you're still pretending that preventing one side from cheating is the same thing as the other side cheating. Trump lost in 2020 because he didn't get enough votes - and because his side's attempts to cheat failed. That's the bottom line.
in terms of 9/11 and shocks: it is a kind of schizo take, but it feels like one of a series of events that have battered western public's sense of what is possible in the world.

i'd put the lineage as 9/11 - isis - coronavirus. the last two i think were so horrific that people don't want to talk about them much.

everyone is en masse reaching a more accurate idea of reality. which is that very unpredictable things happen, and that political systems are not permenant but are contingent.
It’s essentially collective trauma yes. If we can think of Trauma as a violation and disruption of your reality that puts you in a state of hyper vigilance and sometimes paranoia, you form addictive cycles to cope, you lose trust in people and feel compelled to divide the world up into goodies and baddies to stay safe. I do think this way of thinking is useful in trying to empathise with those lost down the rabbit hole. Painful traumatising info and info we’re addicted to. I have a brother in a similar position to yours and I’ve tried to engage on the level of fact and theory but have come to the conclusion that it’s an emotional issue at heart, and an ego thing, and lots of other things. But I do believe we’re all susceptible to it and it’s good to keep that in mind
My cousin and his best friend dying young with cancer after a load of alternative medicine woo woo as he ran out of options was the trigger and down down the rabbit hole he went and hasn’t been the same since


Wild Horses
in terms of 9/11 and shocks: it is a kind of schizo take, but it feels like one of a series of events that have battered western public's sense of what is possible in the world.

i'd put the lineage as 9/11 - isis - coronavirus. the last two i think were so horrific that people don't want to talk about them much.

everyone is en masse reaching a more accurate idea of reality. which is that very unpredictable things happen, and that political systems are not permenant but are contingent.
side point: don't disagree hugely here but I think the Iraq war and then the 2008 financial crash were both more important in fracturing the consensus than 9/11, spectacular though it was.


Well-known member
side point: don't disagree hugely here but I think the Iraq war and then the 2008 financial crash were both more important in fracturing the consensus than 9/11, spectacular though it was.

Except we've had wars and financial crashes before, so we knew they could happen. We'd never had a 9/11 before, it dwarfed other terrorists attacks.


Wild Horses
9/11 truthers are fairly few tbh (or were anyway) though they wouldn't have met before the internet. I think think of them like pick up artists, minimal numbers subcultures that wouldn't really exist otherwise.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Except we've had wars and financial crashes before, so we knew they could happen. We'd never had a 9/11 before, it dwarfed other terrorists attacks.
Yeah, the only thing really comparable in the USA's history was probably Pearl Harbour. Except that that was an attack on a remote outpost, not in the heart of the country's de-facto capital, and was committed by a powerful rival nation-state, as opposed to just a bunch of guys.