
pass the sick bucket
Yes well I have been fretting about this...

Is the idea that to side with functionalist dance music, against overtly dysfunktional undance, is to implicitly privilege a model of health and fitness?

Or is it that celebrating the dancefloor as the privileged site of sociality and ritual meaning – the tribal vibe center – fails to acknowledge the difficulties of accessing that space that some face, either physically or because of psychological issues?

Definitely more the latter. I'm not even that bothered about the former, i mean healthy living techno is now a thing now, raves before work etc. but it's not some magical anti-ableist paradise is it? its careerist aspirational.

But, obviously, I don't want to dislodge functionalist dance music from its privileged position, i just want to problematise it a bit. like, yes, idm was mostly shit, but that *nerdery* existed in functional dance musics as well, if not *more.*

like the reinforced boys, bizzy b and those guys, they were amazingly technologically savvy, maybe even than most people who looped a few arpeggios on a synth. so i don't think its an either/or, but at the same time functionalism can become the big hits thing, where if it gets too nerdy it becomes anti-functional. i think, i tried to brock that trend with this list. it's a nerdcore selection, but you can still rush yer bollocks off to it.


pass the sick bucket
now that third sees this list is going to make him famous he's stage managing us. making us family friendly.

actually thinking about it this could be a perfect way to go out with a bang and leave all techno scene behind. record collector owen denis, might try and persuade joe muggs to put it in the RA news feed. wait for the white woke brigade to go mad at the 'islamophobia' because they understand nothing about real islamophobia. actually thinking about it im well excited. might keep promoting this list.

there's one german lass called melissa suckdog and another one called elissa stolmann, i just have to wonder which one is better to pitch this one to.


pass the sick bucket
gotta say we've got a pretty compact thread with a huge foundation to flash out a lot of ideas that we're talking about in other threads without the male aggression because it's so multivaried but I seem to have to repeat this every day. It's not that i want people to just talk about my list, it's that a thread gets started with a provocation and then we spend most of the thread dismantling or deconstructing that provocation but we actually don't talk much just going at each other. like yeah blame me or whatever but at least I fucking tried here.

I'm feeling dissillusioned if I'm being honest.


Well-known member
gotta say we've got a pretty compact thread with a huge foundation to flash out a lot of ideas that we're talking about in other threads without the male aggression because it's so multivaried but I seem to have to repeat this every day. It's not that i want people to just talk about my list, it's that a thread gets started with a provocation and then we spend most of the thread dismantling or deconstructing that provocation but we actually don't talk much just going at each other. like yeah blame me or whatever but at least I fucking tried here.

I'm feeling dissillusioned if I'm being honest.

i'm not quite sure why the disillusionment now, i think we've been fairly successful recently in not doing that stuff.

other than that i completely agree. i had a very similar realisation not too long ago. i'd used the argument/provocation template as a way to get things going (which it did for a while), but ultimately it is rather restrictive. i'm definitely trying to move away from it.

the three list threads (craner's, yours and mine) were steps in the right direction.

i think the golden rule is to try and find a way to agree with the fundamental premise of a thread. 'yes and' rather than 'no but'


pass the sick bucket
i perhaps naively thought this thread would generate the same amount of rapid fire discussion as either dematerialisation or culture as advertising.

It hasn't so far though.


Well-known member
i perhaps naively thought this thread would generate the same amount of rapid fire discussion as either dematerialisation or culture as advertising.

It hasn't so far though.

the ironic thing about that is i got all grumpy feeling that everyone was loving your list and ignored mine. i think its a grass is always greener thing.

this thread will inform future threads. thats the way things go with dissensus, people are a bit slow on the uptake and don't process things immediately. someone will post a thread in a couple of months thinking it was their brilliant idea and it was actually something you said on this thread.

my rhythm thread the other day was inspired by this list by the way.


pass the sick bucket
yeah i got a bit obsessed with it for four days is all. thought about nothing else. even forgot to ring my therapist because i couldn't be fucked for that boring cunt.

It was like doing speed sober and i got into the clairvoyant knowledge of the science of squirt and communised it for everyone to take at will away from the phallic feminists but alas...


pass the sick bucket
What songs on the list do people absolutely hate, like, can't possibly understand how anyone could enjoy them? Like I mentioned the Abba and some other bits on Craners list that just ruin my day if I think about them.

seems like a good enough point to further stimulate the conversation if any.

version's input has been conspicuously abscent.


Well-known member

me and luke were chatting about your list the other day.

he pointed out that me, him and reynolds have a relatively pop view of the nuum. celebrating bangers. venerating anthems. championing the 'flava' (to borrow si's vernacular) side to it rather than the techy end of the spectrum. sound collages not songs.

luke points to this list as a counterbalance to that orthodoxy.

what struck me about this tune from your list was that it manages to tick both boxes. being both a sound collage and pop song. that's the ideal really



Well-known member
the ironic thing about that is i got all grumpy feeling that everyone was loving your list and ignored mine. i think its a grass is always greener thing.

this thread will inform future threads. thats the way things go with dissensus, people are a bit slow on the uptake and don't process things immediately. someone will post a thread in a couple of months thinking it was their brilliant idea and it was actually something you said on this thread.

my rhythm thread the other day was inspired by this list by the way.

I could sense these Barty vibrations from over here. I knew he was sad. Yes third mate, it's not ideal. Have you got a commensurate amount of engagement for effort put in? No probably not, but as Barty says, look at the amount of graft he put in over Barty week and everyone just called him a cunt or laughed at him. I've been here 20 years and I've had one thread that got some engagement. But if you go back to the start of that thread, dematerialisation, it's just me sulking, just like you are sulking now. I was threatening to storm out, cajoling people, abusing them. Page after page of it. No one was playing along. I put huge effort in. Went back over every page and individually thanked people for every comment and responded to it! Funny to think of it now, but it was hard work. It's not easy dragging people along with you. It's not easy.

I do know it is frustrating. I do understand. Partly you have to keep asking yourself, am I doing enough? Am I communicating as clearly as I can? Do they understand what I am saying here? Sometimes you might have to reframe the same simple idea multiple times before anyone gets it. You know, this is the game. Thankless graft!

You've done a good thing here, and it's not going anywhere. It won't disappear. It HAS had engagement. You have had actually, quite a lot of praise. And you deserved it.its a major monument in forum history. Like, I get it. Every time I do something I'm proud of I expect it to change the world. I really do. I expect to get instantly famous. And it never happens. And I feel deflated. And I feel dejected. And I feel angry. But then I get a new idea and start the whole brutal process all over again. Pearls before swine. What you gunna do?


pass the sick bucket
me and luke were chatting about your list the other day.

he pointed out that me, him and reynolds have a relatively pop view of the nuum. celebrating bangers. venerating anthems. championing the 'flava' (to borrow si's vernacular) side to it rather than the techy end of the spectrum. sound collages not songs.

luke points to this list as a counterbalance to that orthodoxy.

what struck me about this tune from your list was that it manages to tick both boxes. being both a sound collage and pop song. that's the ideal really

Well that's why i like Si, for his writing, for his sci-fi neologisms, for the explosive prose.

but in terms of *learning stuff* a 2 liner discogs review can tell me more.

the thing is, for Turks in LDN the nuum doesn't exist. i don't think most of them even know what hardcore-jungle is. garage we do, very much so, but so do Pakistanis, all that 90s asian garage hype.

That in itself is interesting because it means I find myself in a double bind. On one hand I'm looking at this stuff like a true believer would, but on the other hand I'm a brown chatterbox nerd who should have been listening to fantasy fm in 1990, something, most probably i would have had abso-lutely no fucking idea of had i migrated to london in 86-87 and been working a crappy factory job whilst being taunted by NF thugs and the like.

That in itself is a weird asyncronic aspect.