
cat malogen
was at work for 17 monstrous hours, couple of nightmare deaths, familiars too

fortunately day shift handover had been forewarned and gifted us homemade curries, Persian salads and lamb kofta cross mixes for surviving up until our breakfast reward (magnificent)

crossed Forest Road on the route home and my god there were a few brutally beaten lasses who’ll die of pneumonia before bonfire night at this rate, all new faces and already chewed up

family is away until tomorrow so took 10ml tincture dose sublingually an hour ago and my god it’s 🔥 , not to get all Withnail and I hippy or Swiss Tony but dosing a tincture isn’t 10 g’s of hash in yogurt, or a joint that burns away wasting 85% of what you rolled ie overdoing it with Oasis levels of vitriol aimed at such drugs/plants/compounds/cliches and the scope of their possible applications - it’s very much like good sex when you’ve known each other

will sleep for 24 8-10 hours after and hopefully encounter delirious dream burps of yet more spice but it’s such a peaceful journey unwinding slowly before your peripheral vision dissolves and a massive kip ensues

ah sleep, the rarest drug of all the cost of early retirement plans even if it’s more of a stoned thought detour but i’m going to have a mega pizza

screen is fully halo’d now, like a fish eye lens, all pain gone

a tincture you can dial up, down, discreet, super fast acting which always surprises cherries so I’m going to watch the original Surspiria on this ridiculous screen and let the soundtrack bring on the fear while grounded by .. kish, pizza, pizza and DK first

“you took too much man”

- ”no, no I didn’t, everything’s fiiiine”

“who’s that at the window?”

- “stfu and let me finish this slice”

”this tincture is fuckin banging, mind, strewth”

- “told you, you like chilli sauce?”

”fuck aye”

- “you ok, shadow?”

”kush is righteous maaan, especially this method”

- “indeed”




bandz ahoy
Drank a lot on Saturday then did my fair share of coke and the next day my heart felt like it was racing a bit, one of those moments when you swear you'll never do that stuff again, you don't want to die of a heart attack in your mid forties.


Well-known member
the organist who lives behind our office and always scowled at us died of a heart attack the other day. he was 42. he never complained or tried to move us on though so i guess he was quietly one of the good guys. not sure if coke was involved.


bandz ahoy
I've started to worry cos of all these DJs dying in their 40s/50s

You gleefully take drugs throughout your 20s and 30s and then suddenly jesus christ you're going to be 40 and the grim reaper is grinning at you from every wrap


in je ogen waait de wind
i wonder if a lot of people are gonna die in their 40's due to cocaine because it's the first generation that kinda had cheap and unlimited access to it right?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Drank a lot on Saturday then did my fair share of coke and the next day my heart felt like it was racing a bit, one of those moments when you swear you'll never do that stuff again, you don't want to die of a heart attack in your mid forties.
Doing coke while drinking causes the coke to turn into cocaethylene in your liver, which is said to be a lot worse for your heart than cocaine itself.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I guess you could avoid this by not drinking while you're doing coke, but who the hell does that?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Yeah coke exists to help you drink more really...

That's the main use I've found for it. I don't get much in the way of actual euphoria from it. As far as party/club drugs go, I'd choose MDMA over coke every time.


the organist who lives behind our office and always scowled at us died of a heart attack the other day. he was 42. he never complained or tried to move us on though so i guess he was quietly one of the good guys. not sure if coke was involved.
Was he vaxxed?


bandz ahoy
I've got the flu or something and I've been feeling shit all evening but I've just drunk two morettis and feeling a lot better

Although there is the nagging sense that I'm piling up the pain tomorrow