Does anyone go reading at bars? Lately I've been going to the local german tavern, taking my pen and notepad.
It's something that I love to do every now and again. I like bars, I like drinking, I like reading... why not? I also like chatting, so this is not the only option, plus, I recognise that if you get too wankered you'll possibly lose the thread or at least the nuances of what you were reading. But the short answer to the question is yes. Also in cafes and stuff.
To me, sometimes it's great to spend a day on your own. Not just a day at home I mean, but a day in town or whatever. Especially if you're situated like I am where you are actually out of the town and so it is a bit of a journey to go in and you can pretend it's a sort of day out. Sometimes such a day might be organised around some special event, but, if it's not, then I guess it's shopping - and the only things that I buy are really records, books and clothes. And probably on an average shopping day I don't buy any of them things anyhow, but the point is, on such a day I will get my bag ready and I'll start packing and then I'll think "What the fuck do I put in a bag?" and in the end it's probably just a book cos I can't think of a single other thing.
Then I go to town, go to a shop, go to a cafe, go to a shop, go to a cafe etc all day long, drinking coffee and reading my book in each cafe... until a certain point at which I switch to alcohol (I'd say about 10.45am - no I'm obviously joking, I've never got up that early). So coffee In the first few places, then at a certain point you switch to alcohol, now in theory there is no rule that says you can't switch back if you like but I never do, and in fact no-one ever does, in fact a recent survey showed that no-one on an all day session has ever changed back to coffee once they've made the switch. The nearest is that sometimes in the later bars I will get an espresso with whatever spirt I'm drinking but I will never ever stop on the hard stuff and go back to caffeine.