perhaps slightly off topic but its seemed surprising at points, particularly in the past few years, that at least a superficial image of sincerity, or fallibility, isn’t used as often as you might expect in the personal branding of elite agents, at least of certain lowly politicians. everybody says they cant stand fake people its probably the thing you overhear most, theres a clear market for non fakers. it was really noticeable during the windrush scandal where you had a cavalcade of dunces deferring any responsibility when it seemed that if out of nothing else but machiavellian shadow puppet self serving spin, at least pretending to hold their hands up and admit theyd fucked up would have probably endeared them in the eyes of the public, maybe even saved a few jobs. i doubt thats the best example but suggests a couple of things, either that high level puppetry is riddled with mistakes and branding often out of tune with public desires, or that something about apparent sincerity isn’t actually that necessary or successful for manufacturing consent.