
bandz ahoy
I've seen British p0wn a few times of course and it's always got a horribly down-market and sleazy feel to it

Even the plastic surgery looks botched and British

All those pound shop penises and industrial estate gang bangs


bandz ahoy
In fact this is an oft unremarked aspect of American p0rnography, yankwankbank material

Shot in mansions and by swimming pools, it's sort of a wank over the fruits of capitalism

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I've seen British p0wn a few times of course and it's always got a horribly down-market and sleazy feel to it

Even the plastic surgery looks botched and British

All those pound shop penises and industrial estate gang bangs
Should definitely be a series of zero-budget UK porn films called Poundland.


Well-known member
In fact this is an oft unremarked aspect of American p0rnography, yankwankbank material

Shot in mansions and by swimming pools, it's sort of a wank over the fruits of capitalism
barty likes fake taxi driver check it out


A Liniment's Evil Work
^saw that somewhere a few days ago and was gonna post in this thread, but couldn't find a version without unnecessary commentary