vershy versh

Well-known member
Back on KS in general - one of the things that I think should be worrying about him even for people who are broadly on board with his politics is that his strategy seems to be to i) point out how shit everything is at the moment and ii) unambiguously rule out anything that Labour might do once elected that could actually do anything about it. And it's hard to see how this works as a long-term strategy, assuming that they actually get elected, given that a lot of people will actually be hoping to see some sort of change.

Maybe he's playing the long game and presenting himself vaguely enough to duck the press and prevent the Tories nicking policies.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I am literally arguing rn on Twitter with someone who is trying to tell me Starmer is a Zionist who's funded by Israel. Might it not be that his (extremely bad) decision to whip against the Gaza vote was an attempt to appease Jewish sensibilities after years of evidence free assertions like that from Corbynites? What seems more likely? I wonder (between the bouts of despair).
In the Twitter thread that Corpsey posted yesterday, someone posted that "Who funds Labour?" graphic you often see, listing various sums donated to Starmer and other shadow cabinet members by Trevor Chinn, a Jewish businessman. Like, OK, people buying influence with elected politicians is bad, and if we call out the Tories for accepting what effectively amount to bribes, we should do the same with Labour.

But there is only one reason why someone would fixate exclusively on the sums from a Jewish donor, and ignore all the donations made by people who aren't Jewish, which apparently come to some £12 million this year so far alone.


Say what you like about Corbyn, but he would not now be making the British people complicit in such an appalling atrocity.
That's cos he's antisemitic lol. Good spot. All that needed to happen to prevent the so-called genocide was for Hamas to surrender; it's not as if the Israelis would go ahead and massacre everybody after such a surrender, in time-honoured truly genocidal style.


Kier Starmer praising Thatcher and her economic policies as reported by his favourite newspaper the Guardian, and also saying he "won't turn spending taps on" if elected. Think I've reached my breaking point with regards to him, my wish to punish the Tories contrasted by my intense wish not to vote for this utter slug of a politician. Even the articles for him show him as an man without policies.

'In a speech to the Resolution Foundation, he will say: "Anyone who expects an incoming Labour government to quickly turn on the spending taps is going to be disappointed"'

You need to sort things out you fuck


Kier Starmer praising Thatcher and her economic policies as reported by his favourite newspaper the Guardian, and also saying he "won't turn spending taps on" if elected. Think I've reached my breaking point with regards to him, my wish to punish the Tories contrasted by my intense wish not to vote for this utter slug of a politician. Even the articles for him show him as an man without policies.

'In a speech to the Resolution Foundation, he will say: "Anyone who expects an incoming Labour government to quickly turn on the spending taps is going to be disappointed"'

You need to sort things out you fuck
TV Fernsehen, he knows there is no magic money tree.


I don't fight, I run away
There's nothing magic about taxing the super rich, so that they're just very rich. It just takes political will. But Starmer's increasingly right wing rhetoric does have a point, and it's not to attract the votes of diehard Tories who will never vote for him anyway. It's about reassuring the rich and powerful that he's no threat and is not going to change anything. You can call that realpolitik if you like. After all 2015-19 showed what happens when a political party actually does threaten to change things.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Kier Starmer praising Thatcher and her economic policies as reported by his favourite newspaper the Guardian, and also saying he "won't turn spending taps on" if elected. Think I've reached my breaking point with regards to him, my wish to punish the Tories contrasted by my intense wish not to vote for this utter slug of a politician. Even the articles for him show him as an man without policies.

'In a speech to the Resolution Foundation, he will say: "Anyone who expects an incoming Labour government to quickly turn on the spending taps is going to be disappointed"'

You need to sort things out you fuck

The thing is, I get it that the country's finances are pretty fucked after 14 years of growth-crushing austerity, Brexit, covid and an international energy crisis, and that the era of being able to borrow money basically for free is now over, but to offer nothing - not even, say, "a modest increase in the top income tax rate could pay for X many new nurses" - except "Now Mrs. T, there was a lady with some good ideas!" is just depressing beyond belief.

I think the thing to do is remind yourself that there's more to a party than its leader, that we don't have presidential elections here so you're not voting for Starmer unless you live in his constituency, and that there are plenty of good Labour MPs and candidates who you can vote for.


There's nothing magic about taxing the super rich, so that they're just very rich. It just takes political will. But Starmer's increasingly right wing rhetoric does have a point, and it's not to attract the votes of diehard Tories who will never vote for him anyway. It's about reassuring the rich and powerful that he's no threat and is not going to change anything. You can call that realpolitik if you like. After all 2015-19 showed what happens when a political party actually does threaten to change things.
I feel sorry for the super rich: they go private on everything and still have to pay hundreds of times more for these services that they never use.

“I’m mortified I have to pay 50%! [While] I use the NHS, I can’t use public transport any more. Trains are always late, most state schools are shit and I’ve got to give you, like, four million quid – are you having a laugh? When I got my tax bill in from [the album] 19, I was ready to go and buy a gun and randomly open fire.”


The thing is, I get it that the country's finances are pretty fucked after 14 years of growth-crushing austerity, Brexit, covid and an international energy crisis, and that the era of being able to borrow money basically for free is now over, but to offer nothing - not even, say, "a modest increase in the top income tax rate could pay for X many new nurses" - except "Now Mrs. T, there was a lady with some good ideas!" is just depressing beyond belief.

I think the thing to do is remind yourself that there's more to a party than its leader, that we don't have presidential elections here so you're not voting for Starmer unless you live in his constituency, and that there are plenty of good Labour MPs and candidates who you can vote for.
Given that that's the most positive impression he feels he can make I think he has real dictator potential when it comes to the crunch. Will this be the UK's final general election?


Well-known member
from a "certain online newspaper"

