

He was world record holder for that wasn't he? The larrikin prime minister as an Australian member of this forum one told me he was known.
I do like that plethora of words and phrases the stralian language possesses for such people; larrikin, bogan, ocker, flaming galah etc etc
And the cast iron law of smoko which must never be broken.

I've never been there. Never particularly wanted to somehow. It's not that I've anything against the place, it's just that if I had the time, money etc to get to the opposite side of the world then there are lots of other places that I would prefer to use those resources to get to.
That said, my cousin married an Australian and moved there and has a kid and so on and loads of members of my family (including some who
I wouldn't have thought were especially close to them) have gone over there and had a whale of a time. In fact, such a whale of a time that her mum and dad (my aunt and uncle) decided that they would go and live there too. They announced this and it kinda pissed off a load of people - their other kids, their brothers, sisters etc etc - but then the Aussie immigration said they weren't gonna be allowed to do it so they had to stay and sorta say "Oh guys, we love you just as much as xxxx and yyyy, we were just checking out the rules, we wouldn't really have gone to the other side of the world leaving you feeling all alone and abandoned., totally out of the blue like we said were were gonna


Well-known member
good one for this hot weather we've been having. i can't remember any details, just the sweat and shine on everyone. and of course the constant offering of beer.


Well-known member
good one for this hot weather we've been having. i can't remember any details, just the sweat and shine on everyone. and of course the constant offering of beer.

its the relentless heat that really creates the Australian character.


Well-known member
troppo (not comparable)

  1. (Australia, slang, with "go") Crazy, mad, strangely behaving; especially as attributed to hot weather.
Barry′s gone troppo and married that sheila he′s only known for two weeks. After three months by himself on his ‘dream’ tropical island he went troppo and smashed all the equipment.


Well-known member
the relentless heat and the fact that white people can't really cope with it... I've been thinking of starting a thread about the sun, i went to this exhibition about it (the sun) last year and it was very interesting. a whole bit about the tourism factor, being sold the sun, and how skin cancer is quite a big issue in aus and nz, but they don't like to talk about it too much, cos obviously a bit scary.

troppo. yeah it explains a lot really.

in that egress book by matt xnogothic, theres a whole bit about picnic at hanging rock, the book not the film, but unfortunately i've forgotten the gist of what he was saying.


Well-known member
well thats what i mean yeah. white people in the sun. the skin cancer thing was really exacerbated by the hole in the ozone layer being above aus and nz. so you have the palest people in the world, the irish, the scots and the english, exposed to the worst UV.


cat malogen
Had a great grandfather who went to Oz on the run late 1800’s, ended up as a prize fighter at a cattle station circus in a South Australian backwater called Yongala. Blokes would pay x-amount to try and knock him out. He saved up his winnings, stepped away from the savagery, did a theology degree and returned to Ynys Mon. There’s a portrait of him somewhere complete with a caved in nose and dog collar. Weird journey that one.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Had a great grandfather who went to Oz on the run late 1800’s, ended up as a prize fighter at a cattle station circus in a South Australian backwater called Yongala. Blokes would pay x-amount to try and knock him out. He saved up his winnings, stepped away from the savagery, did a theology degree and returned to Ynys Mon. There’s a portrait of him somewhere complete with a caved in nose and dog collar. Weird journey that one.
I think you are to relatives what martin is to anecdotes. (Although version comes a close second just for his brother.)


cat malogen
We didn't know his back story initially. He was one of two brothers who left, something about an affair with a married woman while working in Liverpool. The scandal. Then my cousin got hit up on Ancestry.scam by an Oz relative from the brother who stayed. He filled in the details about our maternal g-grandfather's past. A past that ties in the colonial and personal.

It’s also that area of life that can backfire further though when you get drawn in slowly by a relative’s quest, their incessant email forwards. Said Oz relative was a psycho WWI enthusiast for want of a better term and wanted us to join him on a tour of wwi battlefield sites. Planets didn’t align cough. His loathing of the English in sport was both admirable and noble of cause though.

They’re 5 Eyes with govt so that’s as good an indicator of their medium to long term trajectory. Type 1 mineral exploiter. Colonial legacies out the eyes levels of appalling, up to kids being shipped out in the 60’s. Fascinated by their story in comparative religion sense, myths. Aboriginals developed blond hair genes independent of but approx parallel to Palaeolithic Euros, that deepness of time. Ancient, unknowable and yet familiar. Never been, but dearly love to but cough priorities.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
One of my favourite bits in Flight Of The Conchords is when Germaine unwittingly pulls an Australian woman called Keitha, especially when he phones Brett the next morning while she's in the 'dunny'...

"Well what does her iccent sound like?"

"Kind of like an evil virsion of our iccent."



cat malogen
partially, flunked out after a year plus relatives in the city, time better spent caning it

Australia can’t compete with endless Notts County nil-nils and wheels falling off wheelbarrows


Well my grandmother in Anglesey married a guy from Nottingham during the wary and they lived there for some time. I think that was why I chose Nottingham really.