The Weather.


Cat Malogen
Stunning day, bit chilly rn

Flip-flopped hairy hobbit toed varietals were out today, postie wears shorts in December ffs but every cunt is out like it’s the Med and 35 degrees

Girls in borderline negligees waiting in line for shit clubs like shivering cattle, a police siren accompanying sunset


Well-known member
where was that?


as London is to Manchester, Tokyo is to OSAKA

me and my travel companion have agreed that that next year we will spend the entirety of our holiday in OSAKA

in TOKYO you smoke where there is a designated area, in OSAKA you smoke wherever the fuck you want


Well-known member
Back around the mid-90s, I went to "The Noise Bar" in Osaka with my brother and one of his friends.
I was kind of uncomfortable with how he treated us like we must be famous movers and shakers in the same scene. I guess his thinking was why would three gaijin show up there in a hard-to-find cramped hole-in-the-wall joint otherwise?
He brought out a book for us to sign and make comments.
It was fun though.


Well-known member
osaka is a huge city though. manchester is a town of fewer than 1 million souls with no castle so you cant really compare the two.


Well-known member
osaka is a huge city though. manchester is a town of fewer than 1 million souls with no castle so you cant really compare the two.

MANCHESTER HAS A CASTLE! they call it a "fort" though. lol

It's just as fake as the Osaka castle ( like did SAMURAI really have to use an elevator tacked on to the pretend reconstruction ) , at least the Manc pisstake of a roman fort involves footwork

and I could score .....blah MANCHESTER... blah, blah... class a, class b, class c,... what's to compare?


Well-known member
I just thought it was supposed to be like a zen koan
"you can't compare things that were just compared"